Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"Sleep Serena, tomorrow is going to be a special day." Alex whispers, it takes me a moment to realise what hes talking about, tomorrow is my birthday. The day all my powers are meant to awaken. I dont know whether to be scared or excited but i know one thing, without Alex by my side i dont think i would have any control over them.

A soft nudging awakens me, blinking open slowly i see Alex smiling down at me, a smile mirrors on my lips as i sit up, rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Good evening." I whisper softly.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Alex asks, a sly smile on his face, i frown as i study him.

"What have you planned?" I ask suspiciously, he tries to look innocent and fails dramatically.

"Just put a nice dress on, we're going out for a meal." Just as he finishes speaking i hear a load of footsteps coming towards our room.

"Alex?" I ask a mere moment before the bedroom doors fly open and Violet, Lara and Yasmin race in, leaping onto the bed, tackling me in a huge female hug. 

"I'll leave you girls to it." Alex laughs, retreating out of the bedroom, smiling warmly at me before he closes the door.

"How are you feeling Serena?" Violet asks, holding my shoulders and watching my reaction intently.

"To tell you the truth i am kind of terrified but im also excited." Yasmin stays close to my arm while Lara smiles in understanding.

"Life never gives us anything we cant control. You're destined for great things and i truly believe that everything will work itself out. Byron and I should have never worked but here we are and im happier than i thought i could ever be." Lara speaks honestly, the love in her gaze when she mentions Byron helps calm my nerves.

"Anyway enough adult talk. Lets start this makeover session." Yasmin chimes in, jumping off the bed and racing into the adjourning room which has become a wardrobe, much to my dismay, i've never owned half as many clothes as what lines the walls, most of them are very elegant because apparently Byron and Alex are rich, even without their royalty status. Pushing Violet and Lara aside i slip out of bed and head into the bathroom, carefully locking the door behind me, i'm all for a makeover session but i refuse to let them see me naked, thats just a step too far in my opinion. After using the toilet i jump in the shower, cleaning my hair vigorously until it feels like silk strands against my skin, using the honey shower gel i lather my skin until its soft to touch. Wrapping a towel around myself i head back into the bedroom where the girls have transformed it into a makeshift salon, they even moved the bed to the other side of the room and have a screen divider up, a selection of dresses hang on the door, for a moment i can only stand and look around in shock.

"You guys werent kidding." I say, shocked.

"This is a special occasion and its an excuse to get away from the guys and have some proper girly time together." Violet replies, grasping my hand and pulling me over to a swivel chair before pushing me into it and Lara starts combing through my hair.

"Is there something else going on that i  should know about?" I ask, watching Lara in the mirror, i see the subtle shift in her gaze and realising they know something is going to happen.

"No, nothing at all." Violet replies quickly, too quickly. Even Yasmin looks confused. I sigh, realising that they wont tell me so i drop the matter. After a couple of hours Lara, Violet and Yasmin are finally satisfied on how i look and as i look at myself in one of the full length mirrors i am floored by the woman staring back at me. She looks like me, but not the me i know. The lady in the mirror looks like she was born into royalty, like she belongs in a palace, a beautiful deep green gown hugs my skin before flaring at the bottom, diamonds and emeralds adorn my skin, my hair is twisted into an intricate updo, tendrils of hair float around my face and neck, reaching towards my face, the mirror woman does the same.

"I thought i was the only one who could do magic." I joke, needing to ease the tension thrumming through my veins, all of them laugh and give me a gentle hug.

"Come on. Alex will be waiting." Lara replies softly, taking my hand, i allow her to lead me through the corridors until we reach the main hall. Violet goes infront and pushes the carved wood doors open and i am taken aback at the sight infront of me. The hall has been decorated with flowers and garlands, a long table adorns one wall full of food and drink and the rest of the hall is filled with people all in dresses and suits. I go to take a step back, completely out of my comfort zone, the auras of all the people assault my senses and i feel panic surfacing as Lara holds me gently while the crowd parts, whispers fill the air as Alex steps through the crowd towards me. His azure eyes holding me captive, holding my feet still, as he pulls me into his arms my nerves settle as i breathe in his scent, his soft voice whispers in my ear.

"I should have warned you, im sorry. I will not leave your side. This is my kind, the ones i now rule over, with you by my side we will be unstoppable, our kinds will be protected and cherished. Come, join me in your birthday party." I relax in his arms, realising he didnt know what effect all these people would have on me, straightening my shoulders i kiss his lips softly before entwining our hands and letting him lead me through the room. The sea of faces around us are smiling, whispering gleefully, all bowing their heads as we pass through, reaching a platformed area Alex turns to address the crowd.

"Let the party commence." He orders, music flares to life and Alex pulls me against him, his hand on my waist, my hand on his shoulder with our other hands entwined, the world falls away from us as he leads me through the dance, caught in his azure gaze i forget everything but him.

"thank you for all this" I whisper against the skin of his neck, feeling overwhelmed but so grateful that he remembered and that he went to this much effort for me while trying to sort out the disarray the council had left behind.

"anything for you Serena. You deserve the world and I intend to try to give you it." I tilt my head up and look into his eyes.

"I don't need the world, I just need you." his lips descend on mine in a possessive kiss, I feel the sparks of energy race over my skin as my happiness overwhelms me.

Hours pass of dancing and laughing, drinking and eating, my worries and fears have been replaced with fun and family, suddenly the large grandfather clock in the hallway starts to chime, it's noise drowns out the room, my senses attuned into only that sound. I feel my skin start to heat, an inferno coming from inside me, panic washes over me as sparks shoot from my fingertips, exploding like little fireworks in the air. The room disappears from my vision, the elements calling to me, filling my body up, too much, blinking quickly my gaze connects with Alex's as he races towards me. I reach my hand towards him as I feel the earth shake under my feet, the wind whipping through the once closed windows, the little explosions from my fingers turning to tiny fireballs as my hands start to disappear and reappear. Our fingertips brush before I am suddenly catapulted into the air, hovering, uncontrolled, panic surges through my as I see Alex's stricken face, still reaching for me. But try as I might I cannot force my body back down, the inferno inside me feels like its melting my body, the pain is excruciating.

"Alex!" I scream a mere second before the world around me spins violently and then disappears completely.

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