CANDOR || new rules

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A few days have passed and Lady Love has been having me do random things in the house, one of these random things including visits to grocery stores with a list of things I had to remember

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A few days have passed and Lady Love has been having me do random things in the house, one of these random things including visits to grocery stores with a list of things I had to remember. On top of remembering those, I had to remember a three letter combination and repeat the information back to her during dinner.

"(y/n)," Lady Love calls. "You're good at acrobatics?"

"I guess you can say I am," I replied sheepishly as I finished fastening my belt.

"Have you ever thought about learning Kung Fu?"

"That's... random? No, I haven't."

Lady Love hummed as she stood from her seated position. She motioned me to follow her and we walked outside. In the back was a long pole with a line connected from it to the house. There were pots close to the house filled with plants and the rest of the yard was a grassy field.

I stared at the jacket held out to me. Was she messing with me? "What's this for?"

She tossed the clothing to me. "You have great agility. You're flexible and your acrobatics skills are over-the-top amazing. If we can incorporate Kung Fu in this, you could be a fighting machine."

"But isn't Kung Fu the Chinese form of fighting? Why can't I learn Karate?"

Lady Love sighed, pulling on a stick that stuck out from the pole's side. "Kung Fu is a modernized term from a section of ancient Chinese martial arts. Karate was developed in Japan out of the martial arts practice called "te". The connection is that Karate influenced Chinese art styles, but the only difference is that Kung Fu is more circular than Karate. These movements let you shift your weight laterally and you rely more on reacting to opponents' moves."

I hummed. "So basically Karate is offense and Kung Fu is defense."

"Yes," she replied. "Your quirk is a close range combat skill and since it doesn't allow you to attack your opponent, you need to sharpen your defensive skills."

Out of nowhere, she grabbed a long stick and hit me straight on. I didn't react fast enough and it hit me on my shoulder. "Hey!"

"Your reaction time is great, but not good enough. When you let your guard down, your opponents will take advantage of your vulnerability. Never let that happen. Always keep your guard up no matter who you're with. You never know who your comrade is compared to your enemy."

I rolled my shoulder, narrowing my eyes at the Pro. I had no clue that she knew Kung Fu, let alone teach it. I knew that she was interning in China for some time, but I didn't know that she could learn such a complicated art in that little time.

"I can teach you Karate another time. It'll be easier to learn it after learning a defensive way of fighting. For now, we'll start with something simple for your quirk. Just follow my directions."


I groaned as I let the jacket fall. It's been days since I started doing this ridiculous training and all I've been doing was take off the jacket, put it down, pick it up, hang it, put it on, and repeat. I can't stand it.

My patience is running low and on top of doing that, I had to still go on store runs. "This is bull." I stared at the jacket, nudging it with my foot.

"What are you doing?"

I huffed. "Lady Love, what is this? I've been doing this for days now and I just can't understand why you're having me do this."

The female narrowed her eyes, the stick she held falling to the ground. "I would've thought you'd catch on by now, but I guess not."

"What do you mean?"

She walked up to me, grabbing the jacket and throwing it over her shoulder. "You memorized the list, right?" I nodded. "Put the jacket on."

"But you have the jacket."

"Put it on."

I listen to her, pretending to put the jacket on. But when I move my arm, she grabbed my wrist and held it in place. The jacket fell to her feet and she used her free hand to hit my fist. "Wrists, should be locked at all times. One small mess up and say goodbye to them for a week or so."

I go to speak but she interrupts, commanding, "Jacket on." She holds my fist and pushes against it. "Jacket off." She snatched my other wrist as I switch arms.

"Jacket off." I move my arm horizontally and she grabs my wrist again, harshly pressing her forearm with mine. "Firm." She grabs my other arm and positions parallel under. "Keep this form firm."

"Left foot back, right foot back." I obey her commands as her hands stay firmly on my wrists. She lets go. "Left foot back! Pick it up!"

Without hesitation, I bend down and miss her foot. "Woah-"



I stoop to her level, not breaking eye contact. She points at me, her aura turning tense and powerful. "Don't loss concentration."

She repeats her steps from before and I miss her foot again. "Stay." She walks some steps back and grabs the jacket, letting it fall between us. "Pick up the jacket."

I quickly go to grab it, but she kicks her foot up, hitting my hands at an angle that ached. I hissed.

Lady Love grabs my hands and I lay my palms out. She hits them underneath. "Strong. Hang it up." She lifts my hands up and hits them at the top. "Hang it up."

I repeat her action, the top of my wrists forcefully hitting her hands.

"Hands out in front." She claps her hands with mine, almost sending me back. I hold a foot out to keep my balance.

"Again! Together."

She recites herself again and I do so, slowly pushing her back. She let a deep breath out as she held my hands in place.

"Good... Now, tell me the list! Jacket on!"

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