Why Would You Lie?

Start from the beginning

"Aubrey, wait!" 

I should be running. 

I felt a hand clasp my wrist. I definitely should have run. I looked down at the ground as he spun me around to face him while wiping my tears with the back of my hand. 

"It's not what you think," he tried to justify himself. Is he fucking kidding me?

"So you and Julie weren't just talking about how you two have to stop seeing each other because of me?" I asked sarcastically while scoffing coldly.

"Well, I-" he stammered looking for the right words but let me tell you, there weren't any. He can't smooth talk his way out of this one. He fucked up and he can't get around it.

"You're not even going to deny it are you?" Un-freaking-believable. "Why would you lie?" 

He seemed confused as those words escaped my mouth. 

I'll fucking show him confusion. "Why the fuck would you lie, Xavier?" I think that's the first time I swore properly and the surprise in his eyes confirmed that for me. "Why tell me that you like me when you didn't? Was it because you pitied me? Felt bad for me after I confessed? Fuck you, Xavier," I spoke slowly, making sure he got each word that I said was dripping with venom and hatred and was getting drilled and engraved into his head.

"Aubrey, I didn't lie. I do like you. I-" he began but I just couldn't keep it in. How stupid does he think I am? I pulled my hand which was still in his grasp out of it, and slapped him straight across the face. A lot harder than the last time. And unlike last time, I was gonna run or apologize for it.

"Go to hell." I jerked my hand away from his before turning around and getting on my bike, riding the fastest I could. I didn't look back even though I heard him calling my name. I heard him yelling until I turned the corner of his street and for the first time since I met the guy, I was glad he had that fucking monitor on him, trapping him in his own house. No one deserved that, but he did.

They both did.

My mom wasn't working today, which meant a shit load of questions from her, I knew where I wanted to go and that's exactly where I headed off to. The cliffside. The cliffside is a spot I found with Peter.

Well not technically.

Technically, I found it when I was a kid with my dad since I used to go on walks and jogs with him all the time. I stopped going the more he started traveling until Peter brought me back. I got to the woods and got off my bike, turning my phone off before carelessly tossing it into the basket.

I wheeled my bike along with me until I reached the clearing where I saw someone sitting at the edge, their feet dangling off of it. I stepped on a branch, causing a loud creak, as well as the person's attention, turn to me, revealing their face.

"Hey," I spoke softly. 

He didn't respond. 

"Um- sorry I'll come back later." I turned around to leave but his voice stopped me.

"It's fine. I was just leaving anyway," he sighed while standing up and making his way over to me. He was about to walk right past me until we locked eyes. "Have you been crying?" he asked, concern seeping through his voice.

"I'm sorry for the punch you got," I apologized. 

He was wrong and he knew it and I was expecting an apology right about now. "No, I deserved it. I shouldn't have just kissed you like that. You're right. It's over between us. I ended it and you're happy somewhere else now." He sighed as we slowly walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down, our feet hanging off. 

I scoffed while rocking my feet back and forth. "Happy my ass." I shook my head.

"Julie?" he asked me with surprise and confusion. 

I nodded before explaining. "It's on me. I should have known better. He's Xavier fucking Parker. It was dumb of me," I whispered the last part more to myself.

"You're not dumb for liking someone, Aubrey." I felt his finger brush against mine, making me snap my gaze to his.

Those familiar blue eyes sent a shock through me. I saw concern and worry swirling in them as they shone under the sun. Why did he have to cheat? If he wouldn't have cheated we could still be together. I was happy with him.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I drive the guys I'm with away. 

"No you don't," he spoke, making me realize I spoke my thoughts out loud. "I was dumb to cheat and he was even dumber." He shook his head.

"Why did you cheat, Peter? I loved you, you know," I sighed.

"I know," he nodded. "I loved you too."

I guess I got my sign.






Don't hate me :)

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