One By One. - Harry Styles fanfic

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Victoria's pov.

"No I don't want to go mummy!" I told my mum as we walked upto the kinder garden door. I had my flower filled purple dress on that I love, but always got dirty from playing in the mud, I loved it.

"Victoria sweety you have to." my mum told me. I was annoyed, angry even. I'm a shy person I always have been, I dont like talking to other people, they scare me. We walked into the kinder garden, it was big and scary, the walls had pictures of bunnies, but scary bunnies not like the Easter bunny, but his evil cousins, the Easter bunny and I talk a lot. "Come on Victoria, off to your new class!" my mum told me while grabbing my hand breaking my death stair with the evil bunnies, the Easter bunny will know about this!

She walked me into a room filled with a lot of other kids, they seemed to be having fun and talking to each other which I didn't want to do, I want to stay with mummy! She walked me to a table that had a coloring book filled with animals in it. I picked up a purple crayon and started colouring in a frog, I like frogs they ribbit!

"Ok Victoria have fun I'll see you soon!" mummy told me while walking away. Where was she going? Was she going to the toilet? To get me some yummy fruit? I watched her as she walked out the door. I waited for a bit with a smile on my face waiting to see what she would bring back for me, but she didn't come back, she left me forever. I started to cry, why did she leave me? How am I going to get home now?

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice say from next to me. I turned my head to see a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing an orange top that looked funny, so I didn't want to talk to him. "Don't cry, your mum will be back." he told me while sitting down on the seat next to me and rubbing my back carefully.

"How do you know?" I asked him bravely.

"Well! I've been going to kinder for a year now and my mummy always leaves in the morning and comes back later right after we play outside!" he told me.

I'm a pretty smart young girl when it comes to things like that.

"Mummy told me that I was only going to be at kinder for 1 year and you have already had your year, you're lying!" I told him as I cleared the tears away from my face with the crayons still in my hand.

"Well I was suppose to go to school but I heard mummy say that I started early and she didn't think I was ready or what ever she said." he told me giving me a smile and grabbing the crayon from my hand and putting it on the table.

"Did you know you have a tree on your face?" I asked him admiring his eyes.

"Oh no! Where?" he asked me putting a hand to his face.

"Right there!" I told him happily pointing to his eyes making him laugh.

"That isn't a tree, that's my eyes!" he said jumping up and pointing to his eyes while shaking his bum. "Wanna be friends?" he asked me putting out his hand for mine.

"Ok! I'm Victoria!" I told him grabbing his hand.

"I'm Harry!" he said pulling me over to the sandpit.


Hey so my friend Monique and I have been writing this fan fiction for a while and I put it up before but I deleted it cause we made some changes and stuff. I really hope you like it so please comment, like, share you know. Tell us if we need to change anything or stuff, I should be uploading the first couple of chapters over the next couple of days since they have already been written :3 and remember guys, fish are friends not food!

One By One. - Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now