Day Thirty

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[My first time typing a story piece while the International Keyboard was on... Iĺl go back and fix it soon...]

Day Thirty: With Their Kids at a Carnival/State Fair

Just gonna return to the festival from Day Two, just for a short scene here. LOL
And yeah, itś mainly just daddy-daughter fluff here.

¨Daddy!" Trystan called, ¨dance with me?¨

Varian glanced over at Cassandra, who nodded.

¨Go on ahead, Var.¨

¨No, no!¨ Journey interrupted, tugging at Varian's shirtsleeve, ¨dance with me!¨

Varian looked down at his other daughter, raising an eyebrow. ¨How about... The three of us dance together? You and me and Trystan?¨

Trystan came over to join the two of them, reaching out both her hands. Varian took one of her hands, taking Journey's hand with his free hand.

Journey giggled. ¨Yeah!¨

Cassandra smiled to herself as she watched her husband begin dancing with their little girls. She was blessed to have him in her life, and she loved getting to watch him interacting with their children.

¨Mommy?¨ Jax asked from his perch up on her shoulders, ¨dance with me?¨

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