Day Four (October 4, 2019)

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Day Four: Watching a Scary Movie

Varian was seriously regretting his decision to join Cassandra as she watched the movie that she had rented out. He should have realized that she wasn't going to check out something of his taste, even remotely... But it was too late to go back now. She had given him so many opportunities to turn back, to quite, and he had decided not to take them.

He was a fool.

"Don't..." he began.

A scream erupted on-screen, and he cringed.

"... Go in there."

Cass laughed, pausing the movie. "Varian, seriously. You don't have to watch this if you don't want to... I know you don't like horror. Or blood. Or guts and gore."

Varian shook his head. No. He didn't care for the movie, true, but he did care for someone who did enjoy such genres. And all he wanted to do was spend time with her, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone for two hours or so.

"I'm staying right here, Cassie."

Cass smiled a little before playing it again. She didn't want to torture her poor boyfriend, but she did want to finish the film... And besides, Varian could easily be cuddled if he got scared. And she knew for a fact that neither of them would really mind that. Not at all.

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