Day Twenty-Three

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Day Twenty-Three: Zombie Apocalypse

Cassandra peeked out of the blinds, shuddering at the sight that greeted her.

The streets of Corona were filled with people, as was custom. But... All the citizens had a song and dance to share with the world. Even Lady Crowley and Nigel were getting in on it.

"... Cassandra?"

Cass jumped, drawing her sword and turning to face the source of the voice. She was not expecting to find a terrified-looking alchemist on the other end.

"Varian," she said, calming down a little before realizing, "how can I know you haven't been infected?"

"Re-lax, Cassie," he snorted, "if I was infected-- which I'm not-- don't you think that I'd be a part of the large group number going on down there?"

He brought a point.


He sighed, taking off his goggles and dropping them onto the desk. "No dice. I tried everything I possibly could, Cassie, but... Nothing seems to be working."

Cassandra frowned. That couldn't be good, none of Varian's chemical solutions working.

"Cassie, I hate to say this, but... I think we should get out of here while we still can. I mean, nothing's working, and as far as I'm aware... This isn't something that's just going to wear off with time. If we stay, they'll get us, too. Our... Our best bet is to leave them all behind."

"I've been in a lot of weird situations before, Varian," Cass retorted, "and there's always been a way to fix it. A special egg, or a spinning top, or..."

"Cassie," he said solemnly, putting his hands on her shoulders, "this isn't turning into a bird or a kid. It's not even magic, as you claimed those experiences were. This is hardcore science, something straight out of science fiction. And if I learned one thing from reading things like that... It's to leave while you can."


Varian looked at her sadly. "I have friends and family down there, too. But... We've got to leave them behind. Worry about ourselves. Cassandra, we have to try and survive."

Cassandra frowned, reaching out to run her fingers along the glass of the window. "I'm sorry, Dad."

And then she went to quickly grab anything she thought that she'd need before allowing Varian to lead her away.

Away from this disaster. Away from doom.

Away from home.

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