I could tell he was overwhelmed. I had never seen him frazzled over work. It was weirdly refreshing. It made him seem, normal.

"I would love to help, but am I allowed. I mean that's a lot of private information for me to see."

"I'm not asking you to read them all. All you have to do is file them with what company or bank they came from. Paul made the tabs and they just need put on the folders."

"Okay, so when do we start?"

"Well, tonight if you can."

"Sure. I can come by when I'm off. You couldn't just ask me this over the phone?"

He leaned over and kissed me again. "Well, I admit I wanted to see your beautiful face, but you are my life saver for agreeing to help."

"No problem. I have to get back to work. I will see you later."

"Thank you again. I love you."

Each time Nick said he loved me I thought my heart would leap out of my chest in excitement. I will never get tired of hearing those three words come out of his mouth.

I blew him a kiss and said, "I love you too."


I was thankful when it was closing time. It was a busy day, and I wanted to get my evening of filing over with. I was happy to help Nick, but I would have much rather spent it with me and him doing something less productive and more satisfying.

"Alright, I am here. Let's get this party started." I walked in Nick's office and he was still sitting in the same spot as this morning.

"You sound way to enthusiastic to file paper."

"Have you moved from that chair?"

"For a minute, to grab water and a granola bar."

"That's all you've eaten today. Okay well let's make a deal. We do this for a while and then we can go to my place and I will cook for you."

"Sounds like a plan." I grabbed a stack of papers and made my way to the room down the hall to start filing.

I knew I shouldn't be reading the bank statements, but I was curious. Nick and Paul made thousands each month on the properties they invested in. I counted the different properties they were receiving money from and together they owned ten. I hated not knowing about Nicks work. I had no idea he invested in other apartment complexes. I wanted to ask him so many questions, but he was a closed book.

"How's it going in here?" Nick came in and looked exhausted.

"It's going. I made a dent in this stack, but it won't get done in one night."

"That's alright; I just appreciate your help." Nick took a seat next to me on the floor.

"No problem love." I kissed him on his cheek, and he grinned at me.

"How about we call it a night? I am beat."

"Yes, please. I'm getting paper cuts." I stuck my finger up to Nicks face so he could see my cut.

Nick laughed. "I see that. Come on let's get going so I can nurse that large gash on your finger. We can get you gloves for tomorrow."

"You're so funny." I said sarcastically.

We got back to my condo and I started preparing an easy dinner. Nick took off his suit and I watched him intently. His arms flexed as he took off his shirt and I was in awe. He was gorgeous and I felt like I was living in a dream. If someone told me a month ago this sexy man changing in my house was mine and wanted to be with me, I would have slapped them silly.

I snapped back into reality when the hot water hit my arm.

"Ouch! Shit."

Nick walked into the kitchen in his undershirt and boxers.

"Are we going to have to get you a full body suit. Did you forget you were standing over boiling water?"

I gave him a soft smack on his shoulder. "Well you distract me. Maybe if you didn't walk around practically naked and tempting, I wouldn't have these issues."

"You could be naked too. This kitchen brings back fond memories." He pecked at the back of my neck, sending goose bumps down my spine.

"Yes, it does and although I would love nothing more than to do that again, I'm cooking."

"Fine. What can I help you do?"

"Set the table. It will be done in a few."

"Got it boss."

As he walked away, I lightheartedly smacked his butt. I loved feeling like we were an average couple. Just two people enjoying a night home together. No lingering tension from questions unanswered. No elephant in the room.

I couldn't help but keep peering at Nick's tattoo as we ate dinner. I knew he had lied when he told me about the meaning behind it. At the time, I didn't want to pester him. He had the money to remove it, but he hadn't. There was something more and I needed to know what.

By the time I was done cleaning up the kitchen, I glanced over at the couch and Nick was fast asleep. I put a blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I didn't have the heart to wake him when he looked so tranquil.

I lied in my bed and started searching through social media sites. I tried not to think of his tattoo, but the image consumed my thoughts. I decided to dig deeper and search the web. I was hopeful it would just be some random picture, but the thousands of hits proved me right. Nick had lied.

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