chapter 8 Prepare

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Light fixer pov

Kagura: She waves up her fan. "DANCE OF BLADES!"

The power willers sparked and began to fall.

I get up to fix the willers like always. "Oh sure it's easy to do. Yeah easy for my boss to say."

I was just about to fix the willers but before I could, I looked down to see a small girl holding a mirror walking down there.


Than all of a sudden, she walked away and disappeared into the shadows.

I clime down my ladder and began to chase after her. "HEY! WAIT!" Than I heard a scraping noise. "Hello?"

I tried to look behind the car but before I could.


I suddenly flew up in the sky and hit the willers. I begin to get electrocuted. Than that small girl appears.

Her mirror began to glow and sucked up my soul.

I flopped there hanging on top of the willers.

Naraku pov

I was sitting inside my castle. I begin to chuckle with evil. "You think you can get away from me. Nah. Your wrong Julie. I'm more powerful than you think."

Than I turn to see Kagura and Kanna standing by my side.

Your mission was successful. Was it not?"

Kagura: She steps forward with a grin on her face. "We know where she lives.

I begin to smirk. I get up. "Come my minions. We have waited long enough. Let's go pay a visit to my old friend."

They exit.

Elana pov

I began to put on my beautiful pink princess costume. "Oh I look so beautiful I could just die." My eyes begin to tear.

I left my room and closed my door. I picked up my car keys and left my house. I got into my car and drove to the party.

Little did I know, someone with blood red eyes was watching me as I left for the party.

Julie pov

Ace: He turns to me with concern. "So are you sure he is coming?"

I pick up my bags and shook my head. "Positive."

Ace: "Well we can leave but after the party."

"Fine." We exit my house and went outside for some fresh air.

I took, kitchen knifes, duck tape, the book, and a cross with me.

Ace: He turns to me and hands me a paper. "Look, this is how we can destroy Naraku." He begins to point at the paper.

My eyes widen as I begin to take a closer look. "By destroying his heart. Come on. Let's go." We head for our bikes.

Ace: He lifts one brow. "Where?"

I turn to him frustrated. "To the party dumb, dumb."

We got on our bikes and put on our helmets. At last, we took off in the wind.

We were mysteriously being watched by a women and a girl. The woman had green earrings and black hair. The girl had two white flowers in her hair and she was holding a mirror.

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