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Long ago there was a magical book created by a magical sorcerer. It had all kinds of magical spells. Some way, if you take out a photo of your favorite cartoon character. You can make them come to life. Soon after that, they realize it was a bad idea and that one of the characters was evil. So they locked the book away for good. Hopping that know one will ever find it again.

To the present

It was a dark and stormy night and Nyla and I were playing charades.

Julie: I Jump with joy. "I WIN! I WIN!

Nyla: She sits down and looks at me. "Ok, ok. I get it. You don't have to go on about it."

Julie: I get up. "Hey Nyla?"

Nyla: She begins to stare at me. "Yes?"

Julie: Have you ever wonder, if I could bring my favorite character to life?"

Nyla: She glares her eyes at me. "No."

Julie: I get up with a lot of curiosity. "Well I want to try it."

Nyla: She glares her eyes at me. "Are you sure it really works?"

Julie: I turn around to her. "I don't know but it's worth a try."

I took out a book and placed my favorite character on it.

Julie: Let's try Naraku.

Nyla: She turns to me worried. "But isn't he evil?"

Julie: Yes but he's hot.

I begin to say a small spell and it begins to get darker and darker. Than all of a sudden, we see purple smoke coming out all around us.

Nyla: She begins to get frightened. "What is that?"

Julie: I turn to her. "I don't know but I believe it's just part of the spell."

Later on that night. The clock struck 12:00AM and we were fast a sleep.

Than all of a sudden, I begin to hear a knock on the door.

Julie: I immediately popped out of bed. "Who is it?"

There was no answer.

Julie: I went back into bed.

I tried to sleep but all of a sudden, I heard another knock on the door again.

Julie: I immediately pupped out of bed again. "ONCE AGAIN! WHO IS IT!"

There was once again was no answer.
Why would someone be knocking on the door this late at night.

Julie: So I tried to lay down and sleep again.

I was almost fast a sleep but before I could sleep again, It seems to be to good to be true. There was that stupid knock on the door again.

Julie: I immediately opened my eyes with anger and popped out of bed. "OK! THAT'S IT! DO YOU KNOW THE HOUR!"

I quickly opened the door about ready to yell at the person standing there but as I looked closer. It was Naraku.
That spell really did work after all.

Julie: I begin to shack with surprise. "N-N-Naraku? What are you doing here?"

Naraku: He begins to smirk. "You summoned me. "Did you not?"

Jewel: I begin to get very excited. "Oh Naraku, what an honor it is to finally meet you. I've always had feelings for you. I'M SO HAPPY! I FINALLY GET TO AMIT THAT!"

I was so excited than I've ever been but I had a terrible feeling, it was all to good to be true.

Naraku: He smirks again. "Well, I don't see you that way and I've only came here to make you my servent."

Julie: I begin to shack. "What? Why? I'm the one who brought you here."

Naraku: He grabs me. "I don't care. I don't need love. You are coming with me."

Julie: I begin to feel very sad and tears run down my face. I get in his face with frustration. "NEVER!"

Naraku: He chuckles. "Well, you don't have a choice."

I begin to see purple smoke and I accidentally inhale it. Than all of a sudden, everything went black.

A few hours later.


I woke up inside a dark castle surrounded by purple smoke.

Julie: I begin to look around. "Where am I?"

Naraku: He smirks. "You work for me now."

One year later

Julie: I woke up out of bed.


Julie: "Oh dear. That Naraku is to rude and disrespectful." I step in and hand him his stupid breakfast. "Here's your breakfast lord of the jerks." I storm off.

I would love to run away but ever since that night,when he murdered me. He took my heart. I needed a plan. A plan to get away from him.

Julie: I have to get out of here. I wanted to go outside but he said no. "EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS NO!" Wait A minute. I HAVE AN IDEA! I will drug him yes and get my heart back. Than I will flee from this place and I will be free.

Eight hours later.


Julie: "COMING!" I quickly finished putting drugs in the rice. Than I put a fortune cookie next to it. I step into his room. "Here you go my lord." I hand him his stupid dinner with his stupid cookie.

Naraku: He begins to eat it.

As he was eating it, he begins to feel dizzy. So there was my chance. This is my chance.

Naraku: "Huh? What was in that rice?" He begins to collapse on the floor.

I reached into his stomach to pull out my heart. He toss and turned.

Naraku: His head pops up and he was not himself. "Huh? What are you doing?"

Julie: I popped up begining to sweat. "I was just tucking you in bed master."

Naraku: "Oh?" Than after that, he black's out.

Julie: "I finally got my heart back. HAHA! IN YOUR FACE NARAKU!" So with out a word. I put on an air filter mask and fled from his terrible castle.

Julie: Haha, so long Naraku. I will not miss you.

As I reached the end of of the forest, I tried to get there but before I could, I was being chased by Naraku's demons.

Julie: Oh no, Naraku must of figure out I've escaped. I quickly turned over to see a big water fall and I knew there was no choice but to jump. "I have to do it. I have to jump." I jumped without hesitation.

Than all of a sudden, things went black.

Hey are you ok?

Julie: I looked up to see a young man with black hair and green eyes. "I don't remember what happened or where I came from. Who are you?"

Naraku's Target (A Naraku Horror Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat