chapter 4 Plan is in motion

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I stand there waiting for Nyla but she didn't show up. So I decided to leave.

I pick up my cellphone to call Vince but before I could, I see some person with red eyes looking at me in the mirror.

Naraku: He stares at me chuckling. "You won't get away from me that easily?"

I back up in shock and accidentally back up into the table. It fell over. Than I turn to see a cop walking to me.

Cop: Hey Julie?


Cop: I'm sorry to say this but...

But what?

He steps closer to me with worried eyes. "I'm afraid one of your friends was found dead. It was Anna."

I begin to shake like I couldn't speak or walk anywhere.

Cop: "She was found dead in her basement. She looked like she had been suffocated."

"I think I'll just head home now." I quickly bought a water bottle and left.

Vince pov

I arrived home and parked my car in the garage. I get out of the car and I hear the sound of a bell.


The sun was setting and the wind was blowing.

I continued to follow that strange bell sound intill all of a sudden, someone jumped out in front of me.

I looked to see it was my dumb brother standing there laughing at me hard crossing his arms.

"YOU DUMBASS!" I took a rag out and hit him on his wast.

Ash: "I'm sorry. I had to." He stops laughing.

"And where did you get that stupid bell from?" I cross my arms.

Ash: He looks up at me. "Oh the nice man wearing a baboon mask gave it to me." He begins to smile ringing the bell over and over again.

I begin to get annoyed and without hesitation I turned around. "AND WILL YOU PLEASE STOP RINGING THAT STUPID BELL?!"

Ash: He begins to get angry like always. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!?"

"Go to your home or you don't get candy for the rest of this month." I point upstairs.

Ash: He pouts of course. "YOU KNOW WHAT!? THAT NICE MAN WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU! YOUR MEAN AND YOU ALWAYS BOSS ME AROUND!" He marches upstairs to his room with so much anger.

Elana pov

I couldn't wait. I was heading to Tyler's house. He better have everything ready for me.

Tyler pov

He finally finished taking a shower and put my clothes on. I than rushed down the stairs and made myself a sandwich.

As I did I finally finished my sandwich and began to eat it intill, I heard something roll on the floor.

I begin to slowly step out of the kitchen. "Hello? Is someone in here?" I took out a bat and I begin to crutch. "Hello?"

I slowly reach closer to the side door and little did I know, someone was keeping up on me. That person grabbed me by the elbow and I quickly turn around to hit the person but than I looked closer to see it was only my girl friend Elana.

"Elana what are you doing here?" I sighed.

She steps closer and begins to flert with me. "Your supposed to make me something special remember?"

I push her off me and entered the kitchen. "You know? You can make something yourself to eat."

She had a beautiful pink princess costume on with sparkles with glitter on it with a pink tiara. She also put hot pink feathers around her neck.

She begins to wave the feathers back and forth.

Kagura pov

I followed Naraku's stupid orders and watched those two idiots at the window.

Ohh this is disgusting.

Tyler pov

She begins to push me down on the couch and gets on top of me.

"Oh Elana, you are so beautiful." I laugh.

Julie pov

I walked home but as I did, I turned to see a shadow of a person coming twords me out of the shadows.

I begin to run for my life breathing hard. "HE FOUND ME! HELP!"

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