The Baby Angel

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                   All the angels had congregated to see this. They came from Earth, Heaven, and Hell  to see this.  Even Lucifer and Michael had come to see this. The newest baby Angel. There hadn't been a new one since God left. So, naturally, all the Angels wondered, "why now?". Some were excited, some afraid. The Archangels stood before the child, looking upon it. The baby Angel looked at them with her blue and green eyes. All the Angels gasped as she spread her wings to full size. Even Michael was surprised. "They are so large...." He whispered to his brothers. The little girl's wings spread taller than even Michael's did at that age, larger than a school bus. She had 2 sets of large, brown and gold wings. "She's still a child... how does she have two sets of them?" Gabriel asked the eldest.  Michael crouched to the child's level. "Hello." The child looked into his blue eyes with confusion in hers. He picked up the child and she froze in fear. " Do not be afraid."  Lucifer came closer to look at the small Angel. "I am Lucifer. Can you say that? Lu-Ci-Fer."  Michael looked at the man called Lucifer. "She is too small to speak yet. You know this." Lucifer hung his head in dismay. A small squeak broke the silence."Cifer? Cifer." Lucifer looked up at his elder brother with a grin. " Look who's wrong." Lucifer took the angel out of his arms and lifted her up to eye level. "Good job! Cifer! You're so smart!" He exclaimed in a childish tone. The small child laughed, "Cifer! Cifer!" Over and over. Lucifer twirled the child around, until Gabriel piped up. " I wanna hold her!" Lucifer sadly handed her to Gabriel. " Hey kiddo! I'm big brother Gabriel! Can you say my name? Gab-riel." She looked deep into his hazel eyes and said, "Riel?" Gabriel laughed and lifted her up. "Look at our new sister! " He yelled to the other angels. All  the Angels cheered.  Gabriel lowers her and says, " Well, she needs a name.." Lucifer took her from Gabriel's arms. "Huh. What about Lucy? It's fitting." Michael took her from him. "No, Lucifer.... what about Y/N?" Michael lifted her up and looked into her green and blue eyes. "I think it fits.." Gabriel and Raphael both nodded, while Lucifer said, "Its good...but I still like Lucy better."

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