Adventures In Babysitting

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"Sammy!" Dean Winchester was sitting in the bunker doing research and drinking whiskey. His brother, Sam Winchester, put his head around the corner. "Sammy, look at this. There have been four more kills. I don't think we killed the whole Vamp nest." Sam thought for a second. "Do you want to go back?" Dean nodded and closed his laptop. "We have to, Sammy. We can't let those people die." Suddenly there was the sound of wings in the other room. Dean got up and the brothers ran into the room adjacent to the one they were in. "Cas!" "Hello, Dean, Sam. This is Y/N." The brothers looked down and saw a small child behind Castiel's legs. Sam and Dean looked back at Castiel, dumbfounded. "A..kid?" "Yes, Dean. She is my newest sister." Sam spoke up. "Sister? She's an Angel? I thought God left." Castiel sighed and his blue eyes shone with sadness. "He did. We have no idea where she came from." Dean scratched the back of his head and Sam sighed deeply. Dean walked out of the room and came back with his whiskey. "So, why do you have her? Any other dick is just too lazy to watch a kid?" Castiel looked a little angry. Sam grimaced at Dean's words. "Dean, the other Angels thought I was a good fit to teach her." Y/N huddled closer to Castiel with her small hands grasping his trench coat. Castiel looked down at her. "I look forward to teaching her." Sam knelt down to Y/N's level. "Hey, Y/N." Sam tried to be as gentle as possible. Y/N scooted out from behind Castiel's legs. "Hi." Suddenly there was another sound of wings behind Sam. "Uriel, what's the problem?" Uriel walked over to where Castiel and Sam stood. "Castiel, we need you back in Heaven. Leave the kid here. Michael has caught a Knight of Hell. Gabriel and Balthazar need your help on containing it." Castiel huffed and turned to the Winchesters. "Watch her." With that, they were gone. Dean and Sam just stood there, looking at where they were. Y/N just watched them. The Winchesters slowly looked down at her. "Uh, Sammy? What do we do?" Dean went closer to Y/N and knelt down next to her as Sam had. "Hey, kid. I'm Dean." Y/N looked at him. "Bean?" Sam snickered and Dean frowned. "No- Dean. Deeean." "Beanie." Sam laughed and Dean blushed lightly." Shut up, Sammy. No, Bean is better. Call me Bean if you want, I guess." Y/N looked over at Sam. "Ammy?" Sam's cheeks turned a light pink. "It's Sam.... but you can call me Sammy I guess..." Dean stood and sighed. "Well kid, do you want some pie?"

                 "Here. It's Apple." Dean set the plate down on the table in front of Y/N. She took the fork he was holding out to her. Y/N took a piece of the pie onto her fork and looked at Dean. Dean pushed the fork to her. "It's good, I promise." Sam,  sitting across the room doing research, looked up and smiled at Dean's attempt. Y/N put the fork in her mouth and chewed. Dean watched her intently as she ate. Y/N swallowed, looked at Dean and smiled. Dean smiled back as she began to eat her whole piece. Dean got himself a piece and ate it. Y/N finished her piece and put the plate Dean gave her into the sink. She walked over to where Sam was reading and crawled into the chair next to him. He watched her look at a book out of the corner of his eye. "Ammy, what a deemun?" His eyes widened as he realized she knew what she was looking at. She was reading. "Y/N? Are you reading that?" Y/N looked up at Sam. "Uh-huh." She looked back down and continued reading. "Y/N? What does it say?" Y/N looked at the book closer. " It say 'bout deemuns an' heww." Sam looked surprised. "Yeah. That's what it says. How can you read?" Y/N slid back down into her chair. "I don' know." Y/N yawned. Sam closed his book. "Hey, you tired?" Y/N gazed up at Sam with tired eyes. "Uh-huh." Sam stood up and then picked up Y/N. "Dean, where should Y/n sleep?" Dean glanced up at Sam. " I thought Angels don't need to sleep?" Sam nodded. "I guess little ones do." Y/N snuggled tiredly into Sam's shoulder. Dean turned his attention back to his pie. "Let her sleep in my room." Sam took Y/N into Dean's room and set her on the bed.  Y/N murmured, half asleep. "Ammy." Sam smiled faintly. He took her small shoes off and covered her up."Night, night, Ammy." She whispered before falling asleep. Sam grinned."Goodnight, Y/N." He left the room.

                       3 hours later

                         "Y/N!! Y/N!!" Sam and Dean were running around the bunker looking for Y/N. Sam had gone to check on her sleeping in Dean's room, and she was gone. They had turned the bunker upside down, but she was nowhere to be found. Dean went to look outside. "Dammit Sammy! Where the hell is she?!" Y/N's small voice stopped them dead in their tracks. "Hell, Bean?" Sam and Dean quickly turned to see Crowley with Y/N by his side. "Hello, boys. I think this belongs to you?"  Dean's face turned red. "Crowley! Give her back! Did you hurt her?! If you hurt her, I swear-" "Calm down, Bean, you'll have an aneurysm. She's fine, I didn't do anything to her. If anything, she stole my Hellhound." Sam squinted his eyes. "Stole your- your Hellhound?" "Precisely! I was in my throne room and she just walks in! The runt of the Hellhound litter just runs up to her, and when she pets him, he just turns white! She can have him. I don't like white." At that moment, a small white three-headed puppy with bat wings and a long, fluffy tail comes barreling around  the corner. The puppy slides to a stop in front of Sam, all it's head's tongues hanging out. Sam takes a step back, gazing down at the pup. "Crowley, it's a Hellhound. How can we see it." For once, Crowley looked confused. "No clue, Moose. Must be the kid's fault." Y/N was still standing next to Crowley. Sam walked up trying to take her hand. Crowley took her hand and pulled her back. " Not yet, Moose. I have questions. Answer them, and you can have her." Dean pulled out a gun. "Crowley give her back now or i'll-" Crowley smirked. "What? Shoot me? Shoot me and I'll keep her." Sam pushed Dean's hand down. "Let me handle this. Crowley, ask away." Crowley smirked and let Y/N's hand go. She called to the puppy and it ran over. Y/N and the puppy played behind Crowley. Crowley moved directly in front of them and cleared his throat. 

                   "So, boys... What is she?" Dean and Sam looked at Crowley. "She- she's an Angel. That was what Cas said, right Sam?" Sam nodded. Crowley glanced back at Y/N , then back at the boys. "Not like one I've ever seen." Dean squinted his eyes at Crowley, obviously craving for more information. "Her soul is different," Crowley said," It's more powerful than a normal Angel." Y/N began humming. The men listened for a second before Crowley's eyes widened. He spun around and crouched down. "How do you know that song?" Y/N looked at him with her eyes shining. "I dunno, Misser Crow." Crowley frowned. "Hm. Alright." He stood back up. "Give her back now." Sam growled. Crowley sniggered. " Not so fast, moose. I have one more question. " Sam sneered. "Fine. One more." Y/N stood and she, with the puppy, hobbled over to Crowley. "Misser Crow? Tired." Crowley looked down at the child grasping the hem of his suit and smiled his trademark smile. "In a second kiddo, your Uncle Sam and I are talking." "Otay, Misser Crow." Y/N sat back down and yawned. Crowley turned back to Sam. " If she's here, then where is God?" This question struck Sam as odd. "Um, why would you care?" Crowley frowned. " I'm the King of Hell. I think I'd like to know if God himself is around." Sam sighed and glared at Crowley. "He's still gone. She just showed up in heaven. Okay, give her back." "Fine, Moose. You're no fun." Crowley swiveled back to Y/N. "Go see Uncle Sam." Y/N stood up and ran to Sam, jumping into his arms. "Uncle Ammy!" Sam lifted her up against his hip. The puppy ran over and sat by his legs. Crowley began to walk away. "Oh, and one more thing, boys," Crowley turned his head halfway to look at them. "You better not let her get hurt. I like her." With that, he was gone.

Castiel's Apprentice Angel (Spn x Fledgling!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang