As The Angel Flies

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                              "Just flap your wings like this." Castiel flapped his wings up and down in a flying motion. Y/N whined and tried again. She got an inch off the ground but fell again. Castiel has been attempting to teach Y/N flying basics for the past two hours.  "Teel! Can't do it!"  Castiel sat down onto the ground. Y/N sat next to him with her knees to her chest.  " Sowwy, Teel..." Castiel sighed and put his hand on her small shoulder. She hugged her knees tighter and put her head in her arms.  "No, it's normal to not be able to fly yet.. I couldn't fly for a very long time. You're quite advanced, actually." She looked up at her teacher and elder brother. Her green and blue eyes dilated. "Avan?"  Castiel didn't smile or laugh much, but with Y/N he couldn't help it. He gave a soft smile. "Advanced. It means to be ahead of where you should be, or to move ahead." Y/N looked at the ground thinking. Castiel watched her facial expressions, a smile tugging at his mouth. "Teel? Cifer say you know hoomins." "Yes, I know some." Y/N looked worried. "Are dey nice Teel?" She said in her small voice. Castiel's smile grew a bit wider at her questions.  "Yes, Y/N. They are very nice. I think you will like them. Do you want to keep trying?" Castiel motioned to her small secondary wings. Y/N put her head back into her arms wrapped around her knees. "It herd, Teel." Castiel ruffled her h/c hair. "I know. But you'll get the hang of it. So i'm guessing you don't want to do that right now. Uhm.... do you want to..... meet  the humans?" Y/n's head snapped up and she stood. "Reawwy Teel? You take to meet hoomins?" Castiel grinned. "Of course.. if it's okay with Michael."  Y/N's eyes shone with excitement  as she jumped in place. "Ask Mike?" "Yeah, let's go find him. Help me up?" Castiel picked himself up off of the ground with Y/N pulling on his hand with all her might, wings flapping vigorously. "Let's go see Mike!" She grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to the Angel training grounds. Castiel saw that Michael was busy sparring with another Angel. Castiel sat with Y/N on the floor and watched him spar until he was done. Michael walked over to the pair and they stood. "Mike! Want to see hoomins!" Michael looked at his black-haired brother. "The Winchesters, Castiel? Are you sure? They aren't exactly, y'know,child material." Castiel sighed and looked down on Y/N. " I think they'll be good with her. May I take her?" Michael put his hand on Y/N's and fixed an out-of place feather on her wing. "I suppose... But be careful." Castiel thanked Michael and looked down at Y/N. "Ready to go?" Y/N smiled widely and nodded her head. She grabbed his hand and they disappeared.


Castiel's Apprentice Angel (Spn x Fledgling!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora