Chapter 4

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Cordelia was looking at me, but she didn't said anything. “I am in your mind, as Supreme I have the ability to read minds too.” My eyes widened and I looked down again. “Listen to me” she said in my mind. “As if I have the chance to block you” I thought. “Don't get angry with me, please. I really want to know, why you put this distance between us.” I sighed loudly and Zoe looked at me. “Sorry” I whispered and didn't answered Cordelia. I tried to block my mind for her, but I still felt her presence in my head. “Can I go to my room?” I asked abruptly and stood up. “You don't need to ask (Y/N)” Zoe said and Cordelia touched my hand. “Talk to me” she said loud, not just with her thoughts. “No” I answered in my mind and walked to my room. It was time for me to go to bed, even if it was still early, I was just so tired with everything what happened.

I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling, sleep came almost immediately and I slept through the night.  The next morning I woke up, because of my alarm clock and sat up in my bed. I sighed loudly and wiped some hair out of my face. In the bathroom I heard some noises and knew that Cordelia was in it. I stood up and opened my closet. “What should I wear today?” I asked myself and rummaged through my clothes. It was Sunday and I decided to wear a plain shirt and sweatpants. I walked to the bathroom door and pressed my ear against it, if Cordelia was still in there. There weren't any noises anymore and I opened the door. She was indeed not in here and I sighed. I don't want to see her right now. This time I locked both doors and started undressing.

When I stood under the shower, I heard Cordelia, how she tried to come into the bathroom, but after she noticed it was locked, she stopped. I got out of the shower and heard a soft knock on the door. “What?” I asked loudly and waited for her respond. “Everything okay?” Cordelia asked quietly. I rolled with my eyes and answered “Yes. Why?” “You looked the door” she mumbled and I sighed. “Yeah, because I don't want you to come inside when I'm showering!” Cordelia said nothing after that and I got dressed. “Please talk to me” I heard in my head and I screamed at her “Get out of my mind!” My hand hit Cordelia's door really hard and I walked back into my room. I sat down on my bed and tears streamed down my face. I pulled my diary out and opened it.

“Dear Diary,
it's Sunday today and that means no school till tomorrow. I just came out of the bathroom and Cordelia wanted me to talk to her. Oh did I already told you that she can read minds too? It seems, as the Supreme, she has the ability too and she's to strong for me to block her. She wants to know why I put this distance between us, but I can't tell her. I am the new one and I don't want to cause trouble my first days. I already have feelings for Cordelia, I shouldn't have, but I can't help myself. She is wonderful, but I will keep this distance between us and maybe I can block my feelings for her completely. Okay I'll go now. It's time for breakfast.

(your first letter)”

One step closer | Cordelia Goodeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें