Chapter 12

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I pulled away immediately and stood up. “Why did you do it?” I asked shocked and held my hand over my mouth. Cordelia looked down and whispered “I don't know.” “Get out Ms. Goode!” I said angry and opened my door. “But (Y/N)” Cordelia began, but I stopped her. “NO! GET OUT” I screamed and she left. “I can't believe it” I screamed and closed my door with a loud thud.
It was already late and I needed to go to my class. I just grabbed something to wear and got out of my room. Zoe stopped me after I entered the room and whispered to me “What happened (Y/N)? I heard you screaming.” Zoe took my hand and I looked down to it. “I don't want to talk about it Zoe, but thank you for asking” I smiled and squeezed her hand. She smiled too and padded my hand. “Take a seat” Zoe whispered and I nodded.

After the class with Zoe we had a little bit free time and I decided to go into the garden. We had a swing there and it was the perfect place to think. The wind was blowing lightly and the air smelled like rain and I knew that autumn was right around the corner. “I love this weather” I whispered and swayed back and forth. My sweater wasn't enough anymore for the cold weather and I stopped swinging. I felt a tingle at my neck and turned my head towards the house. My eyes wandered to each window and then I saw a movement at Cordelia's window, but no one was there. I sighed and shook my head. Of course she would watch me. Anger spread through my chest and I stood up, walking back into my room.

“Dear Diary,
I can't believe it! Cordelia kissed me this morning and now she's watching me. The love I felt before for her, is slowly changing into hate! Okay, she's my Supreme but that doesn't give her the right to kiss me. I shouldn't have went into her room last night, but something in me still pulls me towards her. I don't know what I should do. Maybe it's better when I leave the Academy again. Yeah I think that's the best, but I need to do it secretly. The only question now is: Where should I go? I couldn't go back to my parents, that's impossible. I don't know.

(your first letter)”

I closed my Diary and threw it against my wall. I let out a frustrated scream and fell down on my bed. The next class would be in 5 minutes, but I didn't felt so good, that's why I choose to stay in my bed.

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