My Stay In Hawaii

Start from the beginning

When I was home we liked to spend our time together exploring the trails and other interesting places around the island. One day we started to explore the wooded area near our house. The surrounding area was called Barber's Point.

We stumbled upon what seemed like sprawling flat level areas taken back by the vegetation. Upon walking around one could barely make out the ground underfoot was actually closer to a parking lot than soil. The grass had simply shot up through the broken aged and cracking surface which was once asphalt. We saw railroad tracks leading toward the beach with trees grown up through the wooden beams.

The place had a very creepy feeling. It was still and silent but you could almost sense that the place was once booming with hustling, bustling work crews, and noisy equipment whirring and grinding. There was once a lot of motion here. A lot of work took place here and it echoed with the voices of people long since passed.

Researching the area later that night, we discovered that this was a staging area for WWII supplies to be used in island battles against the Japanese. It was used to prepare for battles like Iwo Jima, Okinawa and Tarawa in the bloody fight to storm beaches and take heavily fortified positions on Japanese islands. We had heard about many haunted areas around the island and brushed it off as people trying to be interesting, but something about this place really made the hair on our necks stand up. There was energy still present behind that silent breeze, motion far beyond the gentle silent sway of the grass. Although desolate, there was the feeling of many eyes upon us from all around when standing in that place.

The Hawaiian locals seemed to have a real understanding of spiritual phenomenon throughout the island and it's sometimes bloody history. There were many stories about the night marchers, the long-dead warriors who roam the island. Ghostly drums and chanting have been heard on many occasions with no explanation as these ghostly groups pass through the night.

Fascinated by these stories but bored at home one night, we decided to pull out our Ouija board and see if we could possibly contact a spirit on this ancient and historic island. "Is there a spirit here who would like to communicate?" We asked. The planchette moved to yes repeatedly. We asked "Are you good or evil?" At this point the planchette moved to the image of the moon on the board. "How did you die?" we asked. At this question the board spelled out a number. Just to make sure we weren't misreading, we asked again. It spelled out this same three digit number over and over again every time we repeated the question "How did you die?"

Next we asked, "Can you give us a sign if you are here?" Suddenly our floor lamp flickered on, illuminating the dark room like a flash and then turned back off immediately. All questions afterward only moved to the moon over and over again with each question we asked. Getting nowhere we said goodbye and called it a night.

Things were going great for a while but as time went on that all started to change. The dogs began to act strange in the house. Maybe they are just adjusting to life in our home, we thought. But as the days went by their strange behavior turned to downright creepy behavior. One night we awoke to the low sound of growling in the darkness, coming from the foot of the bed. I initially figured one of the dogs must be having a bad dream or hearing some off noises outside. With the light of my phone I sat up and peered down to find one of the dogs sitting up tall, fully attentive, ears perked and eyes staring straight ahead into the darkened hallway. He was staring with such focus and intent that I could swear there was someone standing just outside the doorway looking back at him from the dark hall near our stairway. He appeared to be staring up as if looking into the face of this invisible entity. A quick check with my phone light revealed no one there. This behavior became a common occurrence at night.

One night I awoke to an especially horrible growling. This time at the left foot of the bed near the closet. I sat up and again, using the light of my phone, realized my dog was glaring straight up toward the attic door this time. The attic door was really just a wooden access panel on the ceiling of my walk-in closet. Birds? Maybe mice? I thought. I had to be up early so I calmed the dog, petted him and went back to sleep.

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