Halloween Special!

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It was Halloween night, nearly half a year before the story started. Camp was mostly empty, the summer campers having gone back home or back to school. It was eerily quiet, or at least eerily quiet in comparison to the usual hustle and bustle of Camp (granted, it was louder than usual with Clarisse bemoaning returning to college in Arizona, and with Percy and Annabeth preparing to start their freshman year at New Rome's university).
Nico di Angelo was sat outside the infirmary, enjoying that silence. He enjoyed Camp most around this time, he decided, because most of the people who stayed year-round were the ones who had been through the wars with him, the ones who didn't treat him like he was going to kill them with a look (he could, of course, but he wasn't going to, a fact many of the newer campers didn't seem to get).
Nico himself wasn't exactly a full time camper. After all, he did have work to do down in the Underworld, and while most tasks he could delegate, there were more than a few he couldn't, and those cases often required extended stays at his father's palace. Sometimes he'd be pulled away for Ambassadorial duties at New Rome (after all, his title of Pluto's ambassador wasn't just a nice name; it required a good deal of work from him). Still, he was certainly around Camp more often than he'd ever been before, and... he really did like it here. New Rome was nice, but too... rigid for Nico's tastes. Of course, he could respect how structured it was, but... Camp was a break, for him, a place where he could fully relax.
And it didn't hurt that his boyfriend was at Camp most days. Ever since the Second Titan War, Will had stayed at Camp most of the year, visiting his mother on major holidays and on weeks he had the time (and could track her down— after all, Naomi Solace was often on tour). After all, he'd say, I'm a counselor, now, and head doctor. He wanted to be at Camp more often than not.
Fortunately, though, he was more than fine to take the short trip over to New Rome for Halloween festivities.
"Alright," Will said, coming out of the infirmary, "I'm ready when you are."
Nico surveyed Will (because of the costume! Mostly.... and grinned. "Nice, Solace. Very accurate."
What, you ask, we're the two of them costumed as? That's for y'all to find out later 😉
"Same to you, di Angelo," Will said with a chuckle. He blushed, suddenly, and swooped down, kissing Nico on the cheek. "You, uh. You look good."
Nico was pretty sure all of his blood was in his face at the moment, and that it was radiating enough heat to put the lava on the climbing wall to shame. "Thanks. Uhm. You— you too. Uh," Nico cleared his throat. "So. You ready?"
"Yep," Will said, not looking Nico in the eyes. He slung a backpack over his shoulder.
"Alright, then," Nico said. He held out his hand. "Grab hold."
"Still not enthused about you shadow traveling is there," Will muttered, but he took Nico's hand anyway.
"Relax, tesoro," Nico rolled his eyes. "I've made this journey thousands of times."
"I think that's an over-exaggeration." Will blinked. "Wait, tesoro?"
"Uh, lets go!" And with that, Nico pulled them through the shadows. After all, what better way to avoid answering embarrassing questions than to send you and the person asking through the shadows where you'd be surrounded by ominous whispers?
(The whispers weren't so ominous this time. They seemed almost like... cooing? Weird.)
They popped out around the entrance by the little Tiber, and, after confirming yes, Will's chill, and, yes, Reyna is expecting the both of us, they were allowed inside the gates. They strolled over to the city of New Rome, then, where they saw Reyna, The Seven (sans Leo, of course), Grover, Coach Hedge (plus Nellie and little Chuck), and Clarisse.
(And now, readers, you get to know what the costumes are.)
The demigods were all dressed up as the gods— namely, their godly parents.
Will was dressed in a one-shouldered gold toga, belted and with bow and arrow. A skirt of pleated leather armor peaked out from the toga, the rich dark brown matching his sandals. He had a lyre tucked under his arm.
Nico was garbed in long black silken robes, the souls of the damned pressing against the fabric (so, okay, maybe Nico borrowed this from his dad rather than make it himself, but it was only because Percy would call him on the inaccuracies if he didn't!). He had a laurel of dark, dead leaves on his head, and in his hand was one of his father's spare bidents. Black leather sandals were hidden beneath his robes.
Percy, of course, was dressed as Poseidon, and oh, damn, was it weird to see him holding hands with Annabeth, who was dressed as Athena. Frank was dressed as Mars, Clarisse as Ares (there was a difference; Mars generally looked more like a general/soldier hybrid, whereas Ares preferred a biker aesthetic), and Hazel wore the dark, fancy suit of Pluto, her hair in cornrows that were beaded at the end with jewel-toned beads. Reyna was dressed as Bellona (though she kept her aegis cloak), standing beside Piper, who looked as though she had raided Aphrodite's closet (and let her siblings make her up), and Jason, who was dressed as Jupiter, an imperial gold-painted cardboard lightning bolt in his hands (to be fair, he seemed to be running a current through it, making it crackle with real lighting). Grover was dressed as Pan, smiling and laughing in conversation with Percy and Annabeth. Hedge and his family were the only ones not dressed as any sort of deities. No, they... 
Chuck was dressed as a tiny version of his father, and Nellie and Hedge... they were dressed as Reyna and Nico, respectively. Nico suddenly felt choked up beyond belief. A tiny Athena Parthenos dangled from Chuck's wrist.
"Don't really have any gods that weren't taken," Hedge mumbled when he noticed Nico's reaction. "So we decided to dress as the bravest and most bad-ass heroes I know. Myself included, of course."
Nico smiled broadly. "Oh, of course. Reyna and I were just your bodyguards-slash-Uber."
"That's what I said!" Hedge exclaimed.
"Anyway," Reyna intervened with a smile, "you two should drop your things off, and then we'll head out."

It was probably the best Halloween ever.

Hhh happy Hallow's Eve! I wanted to get this out now lmao because I knew that I'd forget to post it come tomorrow sjfnsnfn #nobraincellsgang

Thalia didn't make it cos she's buSY the hunters have their own wild festivities lmfao

Anyway! Hope you enjoyed this short lil blurb! Im working on the next chapter, I swear! But college is kicking my ass 😓😓😓 I'm so busy all the got dam time 😩😩😩


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