Chapter Eleven: Plotting Battle Course and Such

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"So," Nico said, his feet kicked up on the Ping-Pong table, "We have a Prophecy we mostly understand, an enemy we know is trouble, and no idea how to get to him." Nico lolled his head to the side, looking pointedly at Loki, who sat beside him. The rest of the Avengers-- sans Thor, who seemed to still be working through some very valid anger-- were gathered around the table as well, most of them as far away from Loki as they possibly could be. "Any ideas?"

Loki raised a brow sardonically in response. "I regret to inform you I have no earthly idea what Prophecy you're referring to."

Clint snorted, and whispered something into Nat's ear; judging by her tight smile, it was a barbed comment at Loki's expense. Nico sighed.

"The prophecy goes as such:

"Seven must journey to the New World

and face two who have unwillingly Turned

and as they chart their battle courses

Mischief shall join the Avenging forces

To fight violent anger and rash action

the will of the Titan must be fractioned

And when in the fight the darkness hovers

the two men out of time must face their lovers

Should they succeed Memory shall bequest

a favor upon he who passed her nephew's test

"We know, of course, the Titan referred to is Menoetius," said Nico, sitting up and removing his feet from the table, "and that he's holding Mnemosyne captive on San Salvador Island. The lovers--" and here Nico's voice wavered, before he hardened his face. He wasn't going to show that weakness to Loki, not now, and likely not ever. "The lovers are Will Solace, Son of Apollo, and Bucky Barnes. Menoetius... did something to them. They're basically brainless, flesh-and-blood weapons in that state."

Something flashed across Loki's eyes, panicked and fearful. But as soon as that emotion was there, it was gone. Still, Loki's mouth pressed into a thin line before he spoke. "Mind magic is difficult," he said carefully, "and I'll admit to some surprise a buffoon such as Menoetius is capable of wielding such power." He paused, thinking. "Given his... likely lack of skill in the subject, I would wager his control is weak. If I'm correct in this regard, it would be easily breakable, given enough time."

"But you can do it, right?" Steve asked, some hope edging its way into his voice. "If we give you time, you could break the spell?"

Loki hummed. "Probably, yes. I can't give you a more definitive answer until we're close enough I can feel the magic at work."

"Let's hope you can, then," said Natasha coldly, "and plan for the worst."

Nico cringed. "Anyway," he said, because he didn't want to think about the worst, "we also know mischief has joined our forces. But we don't know what it means by fractionating the will of the Titan--who I'd assume to be Menoetius."

"Or the 'darkness hovers' business," Bruce added.

"Perhaps it is you, young demigod," Loki said amusedly. "Can you fly?"

Nico shot Loki an unamused look. "Not unless I want to be blasted out of the sky by my... ever so kind Uncle Zeus."

Loki smirked.

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