Chapter One: Literally EVERYONE Ships Solangelo

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It had been a few months after the battle with Gaea, and things had... well, they had gone back to normal, or at least as normal as things could get in a world with gods and monsters and everything in between. No longer was Nico an outcast at Camp Half Blood-- he was a Hero of Olympus (granted, that didn't mean people weren't wary and/or scared of him at first; it just meant they didn't outright bully him, and, hey, Nico would take what he could get). 

But, most importantly, he'd actually managed to get a boyfriend. Will Solace, Son of Apollo, and total sweetheart. Gods, Nico was whipped.

Of course, none of these good things meant that trouble left Nico alone-- no, that would be too easy. On the contrary, it seemed to find him more and more often, probably because his powers were still growing, and also the abstract concept of fate was a bitch. (Notice very carefully he did not insult the Fates, because that would be an incredibly stupid move, even for him; Hey, man, you gotta disclaim and clarify when your literal future is at risk). The gods just didn't want to leave him alone, apparently.

Which was why he found himself in the Big House in front of Chiron, sulking like a true Son of Hades .

"Why me?" He asked, trying very hard not to sound like a toddler and failing. Because, you know. Why him? "Why do I have to go?"

"Because, Nico," Chiron said with extreme patience. "Thor asked for a demigod."

"Yeah, no, I got that," Nico grouched. "But why me? Specifically."

Chiron sighed and smiled in an 'I-like-you-but-you're-testing-me' sort've way. "They need a fighter. A good one, and one with extensive knowledge in the world of the gods. And you're the best available."

"I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered. Or both."

"I trust Thor will tell you more of the situation you shall be facing when you meet." Nico didn't miss that Chiron very much did not acknowledge Nico's previous statement. 

Whatever. It wasn't like he had a choice.

"Do I get to bring anyone with me?" Nico asked, sullen. Because if Nico was going to be forced to go, you'd best believe he was going to dig his heels in and reap whatever benefits came from it he could.

Chiron hesitated. "Well... While it is a task from a god I do not quite think it counts as a quest..." He sighed. "However, I will allow you to bring one person-- better safe than sorry, after all. You might need someone to 'have your back' as one might say."

"Cool," said Nico, "Thanks. Knowing me, well... I'll need it."

"Yes," Chiron smiled, his brow raised. "You have been taking after your cousin Percy recently."

"You take that back!"

Chiron just chuckled. "You should tell Will that the two of you will be leaving at precisely 6:30 tomorrow morning."

Nico's face flushed red. "How-- how did you know I was going to take Will?"

Chiron didn't dignify that with a response; he just smirked knowingly, his right brow now practically at his hairline.

Nico sighed, his face still flushed. "Alright, Chiron. I'll let him know."


Will, as it turned out, had already gathered his things together.

"Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "Dad sent me a message explaining everything, telling me to pack."

Nico raised his eyebrow, giving his boyfriend (calling Will that still sent excitement rushing to his stomach in the form of tiny, skeletal butterflies, which frankly Nico thought was unfair) a once over. "Why are you blushi--" Nico paused. "That wasn't the only thing he sent, was it?"

Nico di Angelo and the AvengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora