Chapter Three

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Kristina's POV

I wake up to cussing and laughter. I climb out of the bunk and walk to the front of the bus. Nash and Ryan are laughing like maniacs while Ian stares at his phone with frustration written all over his face. 

"Why can't I remember my damn password?" Ian asks.

"What's wrong?" I sit down next to Ian and stare at the iPhone in his hand.

"Ian forgot the password to his iPhone." Ryan answers. Ian shoots a glare at Ryan and Nash laughs again. 

"I'm not to sure about that." I reply looking over at Ryan.

"What?" he asks putting up his hands in defense. 

"Oh...nothing." I get up and get something to eat. Ryan stands in the kitchen and watches. "You're being kinda creepy." I tell him as I turn to him.

"You can't tell Ian." he whispers.

"Tell Ian what?" I ask.

"Shhh! You can't tell Ian that we changed his iPhone password." 

"You guys are so mean to him." 

"Just don't tell him." he pleads.

"Okay, whatever." I roll my eyes then sit down at the table with my toast. Ian is still sitting on the couch trying to figure out his password and Ryan sits next to me. He snatches the piece of toast out of my hand and takes a bite. "Ryan, you ass." I glare at him and he grins.

"You want it back?" he shoves the toast in my face.

"No I don't you took a bite. It's contaminated now." I scoot away from him and he shrugs, taking another bite. "I guess since I have been deprived of my breakfast, I will take a shower and get dressed." I stand and grab clothes then walk to the shower. When finished I get dressed in this then I walk out to the front with the rest of the boys.

"If I get my password wrong one more time, my phone wil delete everything." Ian states still staring at his iPhone screen.

"I think that it is 'ryanisasexybeast' but I'm not one hundred percent sure." Ryan manages to get out without laughing. Ian shoots him a dirty look and types it in. His phone unlocks and he pushes Ryan off the couch.

"Now boys he have an interview today so no fighting." Nash interrupts.

"An interview?" I ask.

"Yes you can come if you want." 

"I would love to. When?" 

"Well when we get into Salt Lake." Jamie answers.

"Okay, I have nothing else to do today." I laugh and sit next to Ian. I talk to him until we pull into a parking lot.

"Here we are. You ready?" Ryan asks. I nod and stand next to while he opens the door. When he does my ears ring from the screams that filled the air. I followed Ryan as we walked through the crowd. He wraps his arm around until we get to the studio door. Nash opens it and we all squeeze in.

"That. Was crazy." I comment as I look at the girls that are still outside the door.

"Yeah but it happens all the time." Jamie grabs my hand and pulls me away from the door. A tall man walks down a hallway with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey guys! It's good to see you again." The man puts out his and and Ian shakes it.

"It's good to be back Shawn." Nash smiles.

"So are you ready?"

"Yes we are."

"Well, this way." He directs us down the hall and into a huge room with a stage and cameras facing all directions.

"Wow." I might sound like a newbie but it is truly amazing. Ryan and Jamie laugh at me.

"So we should be going on air in about half an hour. You guys can wait in the dressing room." Shawn points to the room on the other side of the stage. We all nod and head in that direction.

"Jeez, it's freezing in here." I comment as I wrap my arms around myself.

"They keep the set cold so you don't sweat on air." Ian explains.

"Here take my jacket." Ryan hands me his black blazer.

"No I can manage." I push it back to him.

"Just take the jacket Kristie." He pushes it toward me.

"No." I say sternly, but he wraps it around my shoulders and pushes me across the room into the dressing room.

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