I huff, "Jace!"

"Zee, we've been through this." Jace squeezes my hands, "You compelled the one wish from Raziel, to the Clave, that's the worst offense possible-"

"And I don't care if they throw me in the Gard!" I let go of his hands and got up, "I am not going to lose you again."

Jace got up and grabbed my arms, forcing me to stay still, "And I am not going to lose you."

My expression softened, "Jace."

Jace made it clear, "I promise you, I'm fine."

I replied back quick, "Then why don't you remember where you've been all night?"

"I'm just tired." Jace exhales deeply, "I haven't slept in days."

I roll my eyes, frustrated with him, "Do you honestly believe that's all this is?"

Jace stares at me for a moment, then grabs my face and presses his lips into mine for a few moments, as I melted into the kiss right away.

"I just need to get some rest." Jace assures me when he pulls away, caressing my cheek, "Now that I know Jonathan is dead- I finally can."


"No, Young, I can't move back home." Simon's voice came through the line as I walked through the Institute, slipping on my jacket, "The last time I tried that, Raphael had to encanto my mom."

"Oh yeah-" I recalled, grabbing my phone, "The rat-snack incident."

"Look, I just need a place of my own." Simon began to rant, "I don't want to have to explain why I have a fridge full of blood or how I never eat or how the Seelie Queen installed this deflector shield on my forehead."

"Well, I could talk to Alec." I offered, "See if you could move in here."

"Right, 'cause I'm sure he wants to turn the Institute into an Airbnb for Downworlders." Simon remarks playfully, "Don't worry about it, Zee, I've got a lot of places to look at."

"Oh yeah?" I wanted to laugh, "That are affordable for a vampire without a day job?"

"Hey, I still have my Bar Mitzvah money." Simon points out, "Besides I rose from the dead- I can find an apartment."

I snicker, "Sure you can."

"I'll call you later." Simon told me, as I said my goodbyes, the phone call ending.

I put my phone in my back pocket, walking towards Alec's office, knocking on the opened door as I pulled my hair out of my ponytail, shaking it out as the strains fell to their usual places, "I got your alert, another Owl attack?"

"No." Alec folds his hands, "Blood unit hit downtown, most likely a rogue vampire."

I stepped into his office, "Okay-"

Alec looks back at his tablet, "I want you on this with Jace."

I clear my throat, "How about Izzy- or Clary?"

Alec sits up, folding his hands on his lap as he looked at me, "Well, why not Jace?"

"He's exhausted." I placed my palms flat on his desk, looking at him, "He's been hunting the Owl 24-7, he hasn't slept and has been using his stamina rune like the drug."

Alec stares at me, "Are you sure this is about sleep?"

I blink, "What?"

"When you and Jace were at Lake Lyn, my parabatai rune disappeared." Alec brought it up again, "There's a reason for that- what was it?"

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