Chapter 1: We're not in Kansas Anymore

Start from the beginning

She smiles, looking down at him, and pets his head, "The President called, he wants me in Africa to take down another Terrorist group." she answers him, he groans then buries his face in her lap, "Aw, Leon, don't be upset, I'll come back." she tells him, he just groans again at her. "Leon." she giggles, "Nooooo.... Stay here." he whines at her, she laughs, "Leon, I'll always come back to you, remember?" she states, "But we're supposed to be planning our wedding," he whines at her.

Annabelle smiles and she leans down and laid her head on his back. "And I wouldn't miss it for the world." she asks him, he groans and nods, "Fine, you can go, bring me a souvenir." he tells her, she giggles and leans up, "Okay, I will." she agrees and he turns over and looks up at her, "I love you, Leon," she said to him and he smiles. "And I love you," he said back to her, then she leans down and pecks him on the lips.


A Jeep down the dirt road, Chris Redfield driving down the road reaching the Coordinate location.

I should of seen it coming. 

It didn't take long after the fall of Umbrella Cooperation for their Bioweapons to end up in the hands of Terrorists. 

A new era of bio-terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries, shifting the balance of power throughout the reign.

Chris states as he makes a turn, the village in view, he slows down as he came closer towards the village.

People in the destabilized area soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable.

He states as he turns into the village and slowed down a little, making sure not to hit anyone as he drove through the village.

As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, which formed the anti-terrorism unit BSAA. 

Operatives of the BSAA were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bioterrorist hotspots, restoring safety and stability to the various regions around the globe.

Chris states as he stops the jeep then steps out, walks to the back seats, opens it, and reaches inside, grabbing a hold of his ear communicator.

Then a woman walks up to him, "Welcome to Africa." she calls out and he pulls out and looks at her, the woman smiles at him "My name is Sheva Alomar." she introduces herself, "Chris Redfield." he introduces himself and shook her hand. "Your reputation processes you, Mr. Redfield. It's an honor." Sheva tells him.

Chris just chuckles at her, "Just Chris, thanks. So you'll be accompanying me to the destination?" he asks her, "Yes. Tension are running higher ever since the change in government." she informs him, "I'll bet. Intel says it's a haven for terrorists now." he agrees with her.

She nods her head to him "And they're not going to be happy to seeing another American, BSAA, agent or not." she informs him, "Agent?" Chris asks her, she nods at him. "Yes, the President of the United States sent one of his agents to assist you on your investigation, but that is why I'm your partner, to help put them at ease," she informs him. 

He smirks at her "I'm sure you'll go just fine." he informs her, she nods at him and walks away, but he frowns and looks away, "Partner..."

He remembers a grave in a cemetery, a grave with two words craved into it, two words that he cared for; 

Jill Valentine. 

He stood there, feeling that he wasn't ready, then Sheva stops and looks at him, "You OK?" she asks him, he then looks at her and nods. "Yeah, sorry. It's nothing. Let's go." he tells her and hurried next to her, "First, I'll take you to the agent. They refused to offer any information until you arrived." Sheva informs her and he nods. A few people brush past them.

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