Chp. 6: We go shopping in Hawaii and I meet a cat

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          I woke up, apparently having fallen asleep, to Katrice gently shaking me. "C'mon, we're going to go shopping before dinner gets done." I groaned but got up and stretched, "Where are we going?" She shrugged, "I kinda wanted you two to choose where we go." I blinked, "Has Hazel chosen a place?" Katrice shook her head just as Hazel came skipping into the room. "Hey Nico! Ok, so, I think we should go to Hawaii." I blinked, again, and honestly what? Why Hawaii? I sighed resolutely and grabbed both of their hands before shadow traveling. It didn't take long for us to get their, obviously, but I was slightly nauseous so we had to pause for a second. Or, well, they forced me to stop. "Ok, you guys can get basically anything you want. Price doesn't matter, your dad contacted me." Hazel blanched, "When??" Katrice winked and walked ahead of us, "That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Hazel let out a little giggle and started shopping. I attempted to find anything that I would've wanted but it was pretty hard considering the fact that they didn't have anything black. Like at all. So I settled for some darker colored shirts and pants and then I came across some mythomagic statues. I wasn't planning on grabbing any but it just brought back so many good,  and bad, memories, that I couldn't resist. Eventually Hazel and Katrice finished shopping and joined me in the beach. "It's really pretty isn't it?" I nodded, wasn't exactly my type of place but it was pretty. I heard a quiet meow from somewhere behind me and turned around. Seeing nothing I start walking towards where the sound was coming from, "I'll be right back guys." The pair nodded, confused looking. I walked over to a tree and saw a black cat that had white around its neck. I put my hand out slowly and watched as the cat blinked slowly before walking over and rubbing its head on my hand, "Do you have a home?" The cat blinked slowly, No. I internally freaked out, forgetting for a second that I could speak to animals. "So can I take you then? And name you something like, Aizawa. And what's your gender?" The cat blinked and made a sound that could be described as a snort. Sure. Why not? And I'm a male. And with that I picked up my new cat, now dubbed Aizawa, and made my way back to my sister and kinda guardian.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's been so long, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. There is no excuse for my absence. And this chapter is short, I'm sorry ahhhhhh. But now we have Aizawa. And if you get that reference, I love you more than I normally would. Because I love you all. 😂 LoL anyways, ima try to upload a lot more frequently now. So look forward to that!
Au revoir!!

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