Chp. 5: Vegetarian momster

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          So here we are in this woman's car, she seems kind of nice but she definitely isn't the best person ever. She has this look about her that kind or reminds me of Kelli. Except nicer looking.
          "I didn't know I adopted demigods." I blinked, adopted? And how did she figure out we were demigods?
          "Demigods? Uh, ma'am I think you're mistaken." Hazel said, still keeping up her manners. Ah, one of the many reasons Hazel is better than me.
          "Honey, I'm a empousa, I smell it on you." My hand went to my skull ring, "No, no. Don't worry I'm vegetarian. I only eat animals, you need not worry about me eating you. It was just your smell when I stepped into the police station that bothered me." Hazel and I blinked.
          So... "We were adopted," a nod from Katrice, "By you," a nod, "a monster," another nod, "as demigods." Katrice hummed in approval at my statement.
          Hazel tilted her head slightly, "Then wouldn't you be a vegetarian MOMster? I think that fits you better." I let a small smile slip onto my face as I roll my eyes. Katrice laughs slightly, and for once I can see how she must've looked when she wanted to appear younger. Any wrinkles seemed to disappear and her eyes immediately lost any of the remaining coldness.
          She looked like a regular, everyday mom. Not a monster of any kind or even someone who had possibly eaten demigod at one point. She looked human.
          I didn't trust her but I let my guard down slightly. She seemed nice enough, though that didn't mean she was actually nice. "If that's what you want to call me I'm not opposed at all."
          Eventually we pulled up to a nice 2 story house. It looked regular enough but I could feel magical borders going around the house.
          "Welcome home." Katrice smiled gently at us as she led the way inside.
          Once inside she led us to where our rooms would be, Hazel's room was right across from mine. My room looked like a generic room, blue walls and a white bed with a dresser.
          "We'll go shopping later so you can decorate your room however you like and get clothes too. Oh, and before I forget, you will be starting at a private school so you both have uniforms in your dressers already. First day is Monday, I'll call you both down for dinner. It's going to be cheeseburgers." Katrice have a wink at the end before going downstairs.
          "She is such a mom. And I love for it." I shook my head with a small smile at Hazel. "Yeah, I just thought she'd be stricter. She seemed really angry or mad about something when she came into the police station to get us," I said, shrugging lightly at the end.
          "Well let's see how she is! I'm not going to be completely relaxed but I'm not going to be on full alert either so uh, yeah. I think I might take a nap before dinner. Love ya Nico!" She ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek before skipping into her room and closing the door.
          I turned around and entered my room.

Sorry for any mistakes once again, I didn't proofread so uh yeah. That's that I guess. Lol. Have a good day! I love you guys— that sounds weird, I swear it's not, ok? Au revoir!

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