Powers (Not a chp.)

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Zues: Control the air, control electricity, weather control, talk to eagles, superhuman strength, and allowed in his realm a.k.a the sky

Hera: Find family love wherever they go (yeah that's it😂)

Poseidon: Hydrokinesis, communication with sea creatures, talk to horses, pegasi, unicorns, hippocamps, zebras, etc., Create earthquakes, breath underwater, resistant to underwater pressure, and cold, use water to heal wounds, see in the dark while underwater, allowed in his realm a.k.a the sea

Hades: enhanced geokinesis, enhanced shadow control, enhanced undead and dead control

Ares: enhanced strength, speed, and combat skills, know how to use any weapon, telekinetically control any weapon, communicate with vultures

Hephaestus:  manipulate technology and metal, fire manipulation, heat resistance, great at building,

Apollo: light manipulation, curse people to either speak in rhyming couplets or to constantly sing, power to see the future, skilled with archery, control stuff related to science, light travel (same thing as shadow travel except with light. So now they can travel wherever whenever), ability to shapeshift into mice

Hermes: open any lock with their mind, run at superhuman speeds (we already have flash and kid flash why not two more😂), use the internet freely without drawing attention to themselves from monsters, sense any traps, good at alchemy and making potions, understand all languages, power of persuasion,

Dionysus: Alcohol resistance

Aphrodite: charmspeak, speak French (😁), communicate with doves and swans, inhanced beauty

Athena: enhanced intelligence, communicate with owls, telekinesis, telepathy, communicate with snakes

Demeter: control plants, immune to things like poisonous plants and wildlife

Artemis: forced semi-immortal, communicate wolves and falcons, see as well at nighttime as they can in the daytime, animals no longer fear them

Hestia: always find family, good with architecture

Persephone: control flowers, turn anyone or anything into flowers, communicate with all animals (yes she did one up everyone with that)

Tartarus (the god, no idea why they invited him to Olympus though): tame hellhounds, extremely proficient at building traps, Shape Shift into a monster, 'Devil Trigger' state where their Speed, Reflexes, Stamina, Endurance and Eyesight are enhanced, can enter Tartarus at will

Styx: summon and manipulate Styx water, create an illusion making the opponent see the person they hate the most, has the Curse of Achilles

Hecate: manipulate magical energy, power to invent their own spells just by visualizing what they want the spell to do, able to make an animal become their familiar which they can summon and communicate with to act as their guide pet friend and even conscience if needed, manipulate the Mist, 360-degree vision

Selene (moon goddess): create miniature moons that can blind enemies for a short time, divine authority over darkness and can stop people from shadow traveling, mimic the moons gravity in battle so that people are weightless for a time, Darkness or moonlight to heal themselves as well as others

Phlegethon: power to heal either their wounds or their allies' wounds with normal fire, summon and control Phlegethonian copper and Phlegethonian rubies

Nyx: create functional wings out of shadows, keep nightmares away from people's minds when asleep allowing them to have a peaceful sleep, work together to pull off a lunar eclipse, manipulate the gravitational pull around them allowing them to levitate.

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