Chp. 1: Praetor?

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Nico's P.O.V.
I kept seeing their dead bodies in my head. And if that wasn't torture then Will's and Piper's last words where. Will's had been 'I love you Nico. I'm sorry I can't be there for you. Don't come see me. And don't come be with me to soon death breath. Goodbye my kitten.' and Piper's, ' I always thought of you as a younger sibling. You were bitter but I could tell you still cared. I'll make sure to watch over Will and the others for you. I love you little bro.' It had killed me. Knowing that they did care for me and I couldn't save them broke me. The little distraction had been just enough for a empousa to hit me in the stomach. I immediately knew that it was really bad. I hated that I ran off to the shadows so I could be healed at camp Jupiter, but I did. As soon as I stepped out of the shadows I was on the table in the middle of a meeting. I blinked a few times. "S-sorry." I managed to slurr out before my vision went dark.
I groaned as I woke up. I could feel two presences next to me. Reyna and Hazel. I blinked a few times before sitting up. Hazel smiled at me before tackling me in a hug. "Oh, thank the gods you're ok!" I, with barely any heisitation, hugged her back. "You gave us a real scare Nico. We didn't think you were going to make it." I let go of Hazel and shrugged at Reyna. "Yeah well... Ok so I'm gonna jump right in and tell you guys. So Frank was visiting the rest of the seven at camp Half-Blood and we got attacked. The rest of the seven are dead. It's just Hazel now." The two stared at me. Shock was clear on both faces, although Reyna tried to hide it, before Hazel burst out crying. I immediately got up from the hospital type bed I was on and wrapped my arms around Hazel. "Shhhh, shhhh. It'll be ok Hazel. We'll figure it out. I promise." And I meant it. I was gonna stay with Hazel no matter what now. I would join the legion if I had to. She's my sister. I'd do anything for her. I heard Reyna take a shaky breath before deciding something. "Nico? Can you do something for me? Everyone here sees you as a hero. And we need a new Praetor. We'd let you go wherever you want as long as you checked in at least every other day." My eyes widened at what she was most likely going to say next. "I'll have to get a vote from the council but... I want you to be the male Praetor." Hazel gasped and tightened her grasp on me. She had told me multiple times how Frank had started to drift more and more because of his responsibilities as Praetor. "Fine, so long as I can leave whenever and I can take Hazel. She's my sister and I am not leaving her." Reyna nodded and left. Hazel was still in my arms but her crying had subsided to hiccups now. "Nico please.... Don't leave me. You're my only brother and you're all I have left besides Reyna now." I took a shaky breath and kissed her on the head. "I swear on the River Styx I won't leave you unless I have to. I love you Hazel." She smiled up at me. "I love you too Nico."
Words: 595
Ok so I know it's a little short but that's the first chapter. Sorry if Nico and Hazel are a little bit OOC, I just really wanted him and Hazel to have a really nice sibling moment. And sorry if I spelled anything wrong, I have dyslexia and my first language is French so it definitely won't be the best. And btw I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to spell 'torture'. Au revoir!

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