A friend in need, again.

Start from the beginning

This world would have been far better without a cheater ass like him. The anger surged in me when taking a step forward I growled,

"I don't need your lies, Alex. So, stop fu*king doing it,"

But pulling my hand he made me fall on his lap. A gasp escaped my lips when leaning on my lips he said, "You can't take the truth, Jane."

"I don't need anything from you, Alex." I gritted and tried to get up but securing his arm around me he said,

"No, take this Jane, and the truth is that I will marry you at any cost." I looked at his face that told me that he wasn't telling any joke. "You will be Mrs. Black knowing all too well that I can give you anything but my loyalty. This is not in me. But I want you."

"You have lost your mind," I jumped and struggled to get out of his hold but couldn't while my mind was still processing his fu*ked up arrangement.

"No, I am just giving you truths, you were dying to know," He replied,

"I am not marrying a prick like you even if you come with loyalty, not in a million years," I said as I stopped struggling because I didn't want to make him use any force on me but felt something poking under my back. And, it made me inhale deeply.

"We can talk about other matters in my room." He said against my neck and I swear I was this close to punching him. How I was ever supposed to tell this jerk that he was going to be a father? And, not to forget the matter with Carol.

"I don't want to talk to you about anything," I said with determination but my mind screamed about carol.

"Are you sure, darling?" He asked with his mouth still lost in my neck.

"There is something," I replied,

"I am sure, it can wait," was his reply while his hand traveled to my inner thigh "No, it can't," I replied making use of any last thread of sanity left in me.

"It better be important because I hate to talk when all I want to do is devour you." He replied keeping his hand still there on my leg.

"I have a friend, Carol. Someone used her name for taking a huge loan from Antonio Guterres. It is half a million and there are some horrible people after her," I said and stopped not knowing how to make him know that I am asking for his help.

"And how does it concern me or us?" He asked,

"She really needs some help," I pleaded,

"So, am I," He replied making his grip on my thigh even tighter.

"If you think I will bed with you so you could lend some help to my friend, you are insane." I threw the words at his face but he looked unfazed.

"How can you scoop this low?" I asked,

"It is not like I have an image to keep in front of you," He said before placing a peck on my nose. "I am so in love with you, and that's I am telling you the truth," He said grazing my cheek and I almost fell for his sugary words but then all of his lies and ways came back at me rushing, and I knew it was just another lie,

"Can you please help my friend?" I asked,

"Anything for Mrs. Black," He said looking into my eyes and I saw nothing but lust. The last thing I wanted was to be intimate with him even if it cost Carol but there was a hope that he would help without asking for this in exchange but no. My hope died the moment he leaned in to take my mouth with his warm and gentle tease while his other hand worked on my zip. His kiss was exactly it was used to be three weeks ago.

"Alex?" I called him breaking the kiss and getting a little straight.

"Can't I have some rest? I am just home, you see," I lied to get away,

"You are really bad at this," He said against my lips and I knew I was caught.

"It's fine, you are bound to master such skills living with me," I heard him say and I knew my cheeks were tomato red. Why it was so easy for these men to lie and not for me? I thought.

"At least you can give me a day with you so we can talk about our wedding arrangement and I can have enough time to teach you about how amazing this arrangement can be," He said and I decided to keep my silence until he helps out Carol.

He offered me a brunch that I gladly accepted. I was hungry and tired all the time. I have heard that woman gets tired when they are pregnant but never knew it could be this severe.

"You look tired," He said as he sips on his coffee. Wow, you noticed?

I looked at his underdress self and muttered, "It's just the flight and moving." Come on, call that gangster friend of yours already, I shrieked in my brain. And it was like heaven listened because I heard him saying "Antonio?" on his phone and my pulse quickened in excitement.

"Yea," He said,

"Hmm," He said after a whole minute.

"I don't care if she is lying or not. Take care of her." He said and I got confused. They were not talking about Carol. I mean, I hope not. Because his voice doesn't sound pleasant.

"Ed is a friend. So, bros before hoes." I heard him say and now I couldn't make myself listen to his sexist conversation and took my plate to the sink. People like him can go to hell for all I care as long as Carol is out of her trouble unscathed.

"Yea, fine," He said before cutting the call.

He cuts the call but, wait he never talked about Carol. "What about Carol?" I asked giving him my frustrated raised brow.

"Oh, I forgot. Why don't I talk to him in the evening and we catch up on the things we really missed."

"What things"? I asked though I knew what he was referring to.

"Come here," He said extending his hand for me. This is for, Carol, All you have to do is to buy yourself some time, I told myself.

I followed and the moment I was close enough, holding my wrist in his hands he leads me to sit on his thigh.

What the hell happened to only talk to him and leaving soon? My brain sneered.

"I knew you will come back," He whispered leaning to my earlobe. His lust was evident in his warm breaths on my neck.

"You have no idea how hard I become only looking at you." His mouth moaned the words against my shoulder while his hands roamed on my body. Is this the right time to tell him about our pregnancy? I wondered.

I couldn't help but feel desired with his wanton touch. I wondered if I was doing it for, Carol anymore. But, then his words about not being loyal to me echoed in my brain. And, I knew I have to stop this.


The new update is ready. And is also long and has scenes you people might love. But I am not uploading it before two days. Because last time giving double update cost me many votes for the chapter published first. 

If you can offer me 600 plus votes on this chapter and 2000 votes cumulative on this book I will be very thankful and update in an instant. 

I published on more than 5 sites and will have such conditions. It is possible that some other site completes the conditions first. In that case, I will tell you about the site on which the next chapter has been published before it is published on Wattpad. 

For cumulative votes, you need to see if there is any chapter in this book or in book 1 you haven't vote. 

And, yes, I am not getting notifications lately. There are so many comments I never saw in notification feed but were given in my chapter. A lot of people are experiencing the same problem. It can also be the case that I publish this story and you are not getting the notification for an update for the next two hours. 

Have a great day!

Instagram: theashlehqueen

Twitter: AshlehQ

Facebook page: Ashleh Queen 

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