Stella Finds Will's Body

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James' pov


Me and Charlie had been looking for Will for ten minutes already, and we were starting to get scared. We knew it was our fault he had managed to leave his room, so if we didn't find him, we were risking suspension.

We had been incredibly unprofessional, to be honest. We were finally sharing a shift, a thing that almost never happened due to our impossible schedules. Charlie arrived with our coffees, and as he was handing me mine, he pecked my lips. And that just developed into a full makeout session somehow. 

We needed it. This child was about to die in the room next to ours, and even though he could barely move, we were paid to just sit in the room next to his, with direct access and check out on him every fifteen minutes.

I felt like an intruder every time we walked in there and interrupted his thoughts, and I knew Charlie did as well, but we had to do it.

After the time spent kissing Charlie, which felt astoundingly great, I checked my watch. I knew we had gone a bit overtime on Will's checking, but I felt like he'd appreciate it.

But we hadn't been a bit overtime. We'd missed two checks! I helped and ran towards the door that connected our tiny waiting office to his room while I fixed my hair. Charlie chuckled at my paranoia.

But he soon became paranoid as well when he saw Will wasn't in there.

We ran through the halls, poking our head in all the places we though he could've gone to. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

We only had two places left to check. The rooftop and the outside of the hospital, where the patients usually went out for walks and where Doctor Barb was at the moment. Well, she was actually a nurse, but people respected her so much that they called her doctor.

Speaking of her...

"I'll check the rooftop, his favorite place, while you hit the street okay?" I said, and Charlie nodded. "Also, call Doctor Barb and inform her of the situation."

"Oh, shit, you're right." he passed his hand across his smooth, beautiful scalp, a nervous tick. "How do I tell her?"

"Just say something like Doctor Barb, we have a situation." I pulled him in for a hug.

"Okay, I love you." he breathed into my hair. "We're gonna find him, don't worry."

I nodded and bolted towards the roof, my steps echoing through the stairs.

When I reached the top, I peaked through the door glass, and audibly sighed in relief he was there. I let my back slide down the wall, and sat down on the floor, my nerves finally going down, and I scratched my head to mess with my hair.

I then got up to talk to him. 

My worst nightmares took place in that very moment. The kid was no longer there. I slashed the door open, and didn't even have time to look  around when I heard a smash and a loud commotion down there.

I then knew what had happened. OH, MY GOD. I trembled all the was towards the edge and saw him. There he was. Although the distance between the top of the hospital and the ground is quite considerable, I could see his body his body was contorted into awful positions. He definitely, didn't survive.

I clutched my stomach and fell on my knees. Vomit erupted from my mind without me even realising. Oh, fuck.

I flashed down the stairs, tripping over a few times as I ran.

When I exited the hospital, the group of people around the body was much bigger. I pushed through everyone, and found myself crouched next to him, checking his pulse. Doctor Barb and her mother where there, both crying. 

Charlie arrived seconds after me, but instead of throwing himself on the ground like I had, he took a few steps back, covering his mouth in horror. 

I heard vomiting, many people had reacted as I had just a minute ago. I faintly heard paramedics asking everyone to stand back. But I was too dizzy to hear. I had checked about five times the same thing, the result nit changing. The kid had no pulse.

And that's when she arrived.

The scream was probably the worst part. Everyone flinched at it. She let out a gutural yell, and threw herself next to him, her knees bloody as she scrapped them against the concrete.

Her sobs were loud and hopeless as she clutched his body on her arms. The way his limbs twisted in weird angles probably didn't hep the situation.

It almost looked as if she were holding a big rag doll, the way his head tilted lifelessly. Blood oozed from his blood and eyes. Probably from the implosion of his interior organs when he hit the ground. 

To match her salty tears, he gave out nasty red drops, which stained her face and clothes, but she didn't let go.

The paramedics had started approaching her, and when they finally managed to release the body from her grip, the word seemed to fade into a darker shade.

Many people around her were crying as well, as if too add to the macabre show. 

The way her body hit the floor when they yanked her beloved away was the way she stayed, not moving except for the shaking her sobs produced.

No one dared approach her anymore, as she seemed to melt before our eyes apart from Doctor Barb, who tried to pick her up, but was too weak, and ended up on the floor herself.

And that was when I finally reacted. As Charlie got Doctor Barb up to her feet, I grabbed Stella in my arms, and carried her inside the hospital. She had turned her loud sobs into weak yelps of pain, and I tried to be gentle. Everyone followed through the glass doors. We were like a parade.

The parade of Death.

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