All The Things You Can Cramp Into A Week

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I just put an end to another fic of mine and I'm depressed about it lmao. Also, The Imitation Game is an amazing film and I'm kinda still freaking out about how good it was


This is all like an extract of Stella's diary. I guess...

Thursday, the 15th September

So today me and Will went to the pool, we didn't spend as much time as we would've wanted splashing around, as it took literally two fricking hours to convince Barb and Julie to let us.

They were worried about Will drowning or something, so they got a literal lifeguard down there for just the two of us, which made it much more uncomfortable, you can't even imagine.

He pretended to not pay attention to us and mind his own business, but tbh, there wasn't anything else he could do.

It was appreciated, though.

Overall a great day, full of bootiful memories I'll treasure forever, and so will Will. For the next two weeks at least.

Oh, God. I better not think about that. I'll just end my entry for today now.

Friday, the 16th September

Today we were allowed to go in the hospital's cinema. Yes, there is one. CF patients aren't the only people who are forced to stay permanently at the hospital.

In fact, sometimes we got it pretty cool, as we can live at our actual houses for long periods of time.

But the cinema is there for long summer nights, and cold winter evenings, when the hospital wants to do something nice for us.

Well, we were allowed to stay there all day. It was damn fun. We ate so may popcorn, it was crazy.

We watched plenty movies, but ended up cracking up with SNL sketches on the big screen, mostly from the late 2000's, the golden age of SNL for us millenials, with Bill Hader, Fred Armisen, Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg, Amy Poehler... Ah... The good times.

We almost wanted to get close and kiss, or hold hands or whatever, but didn't, mostly his decision, as he didn't want his disease to fuck up my now good functioning lungs.

Sunday 18th September

So it's late at night now, and I come from being inside a beautifully decorated room.

It had been dressed up as a nice warm beach, as Will said he would've liked to see the ocean one last time before his death.

Barb and Julie had of course, listened to his request, and built him his own personal beach in a spare room.

It was just a couple of towels layed on the floor of the room's bathroom, salt in the bathtubs water and me in a bikini.

But it he said it was all he needed. He glowed with happiness, which in exchange made me giggle in joy.

We spent the entire weekend, only leaving a few times to take our meds, but it honestly felt like a weekend away.

Monday 19th September

So today Will woke up pretty weak, so we had to stay in his room all day.

At first it sucked, but after I made him chug down almost half a season of Glee (which he absolutely hated btw), we ended up having a great time.

Those quiet moments when it's just me and him are some of the things I cherish the most about our relationship.

Tuesday 20th September

Will woke up much stronger today, so after another SUPER long session of begging Barb and Julie, we were allowed to go to the lake.

They of course, drove us there and Barb stayed with us the whole time, but we got to stare at the water (which obviously wasn't frozen in September) and have a beautiful time.

I loved it. I love him.

Wednesday 21st September

We went to the theater today! Yay!

It was incredible. I absolutely loved it. It was fun, it was brilliant, I knew all the songs by heart and kinda ruined Will's whole experience by belching those notes in all the wrong ways.

We watched Cats and he says it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever watched, but I think he secretly enjoyed it.

He is at least now officially obsessed with one of the characters, called Mr Mistoffelees.

I don't know why he liked that Jellicle Cat so much in particular, but I respect it. I got a soft spot for Rum Tum Tugger, but whatever.

(rip to those who don't know anything bout Cats the musical lmao)

Thursday 22nd September

We cooked today. We made turkey.

It's a random dish to make, but Will really insisted on it.

I think it's because he's not going to get to see the next Thanksgiving, as he made us do all of the extra dishes you usually have at Thanksgiving's dinner.

Barb and Julie said it was all delicious, but lemme tell you, that was a big, fat lie, cuz we tried it as well and I don't know how we didn't all get food poisoning.

Friday 23rd September

Will had to stay in his room today, and he slept all morning and afternoon. He's like a beautiful, cute, sick sloth.

Saturday 24th September

Will couldn't get up from bed today either. I wonder if he ever will again.

Sunday 25th September

He didn't even try today. He could barely hold a glass of water.

I don't think he's ever getting up again.

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