I'm Sorry

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Hiiii. I'm baaack. I'm updating so often nowadays so like wtf. Well, the deaf Jughead fic not rlly, but it effort what matters amaright? School just started here (yes, literally two weeks after the rest of the world, not complaining tho) but I'm starting one of the most difficult yrs of my student life, and the pressure is already on. It's already more stressful and harder than last yr, so idk if I'll be able to keep updating every 3-4 days, but I'll try, as writing these stories is one of the things I like the most. Also, this fic has been fighting its way up to being my most read story, and I think it will achieve it today. Let's see shall we? But for now, enjoy :)


Barb's pov

I stared at the two lovers with sad eyes. They were so young. So young that they didn't understand age.

Stella looked healthier than ever, but tired, she had been living an emotional roller-coaster these past week, after all.

She was laying down on Will's couch, in her favorite pj's and with a book resting on her chest. She hadn't taken off her glasses, so I took them and placed them in the nightstand next to her.

Will, on the other hand, looked absolutely terrible. His hair was covered by a wig which had awfully missplaced itself all the way to his face, and it looked like it was trying to eat his face.

He had been thinking a lot about death, and apparently, he had come to the conclusion that he wanted gray hair.

He knew he wasn't gonna get to experience old age, so he decided to wear the gray wig to feel as if he were am old man.

I don't believe he thought it was helping, but at this point, no one dared question his decisions.

He was much, much skinnier, even though we sent thousands of calories through him everyday.

He no longer had the strength to get up from his bed, which no one had mentioned, but that he couldn't beat the thought of.

He breathed hard, not hard enough to be a snore, but hard enough to be noticeable.

He couldn't take out his cannula, when he did, he choked, but no one talked about that either.

It was quite awful that we no longer spoke to him about his disease, when only days ago I told him everything about it.

I left the two in there, as I had a meeting with their parents.

Stella's mom and dad needn't to come, but as soon as they found out Will was not okay, they rushed to see him. (and their daughter) they wanted to be there for Laura, Will's mother.

I drank my coffee slowly in the closet which I had basically claimed mine at the hospital, not really looking forward to talking to the parents.

It made me feel like almost the devil for that, but I thought it was almost justified.

I was suffering his loss as well, but I also had to console the parents and take charge of the death.

It was unfair, but it was how it had to be.

I waited for his mom in one of the briefing rooms of the hospital, preparing myself for the worst.

She came in the room as I expected she would. Her hair a mess, wrapped up in deformed bun, her clothes oversized and baggy, not really well matched, her poorly put on makeup in smudges all over her face, her tears having ruined it.

I bit my lip. Poor thing. Her boy was gonna be gone. She may not have understood or known him too well, but her love for him was undeniable.

"Laura..." I said softly and chasked my tongue, while opening my arms for her to melt into my hug.

She sobbed long sobs, choking in her own tears and leaving warm, big drops all over my sweater.

But I didn't care. She had the right to do that and much more after what she was going through. No one deserved to go through something like that.

"My boy..." she blurted out between sobs. "My beautiful, precious little boy..."

"I know..." I reassured her in a calm, soothing voice. "I know."

Thus brought back flashbacks to when I had to tell Poe's family that his son had died.

Her mom a mess. His boyfriend with hysterical laughter mixed with anguished cries. His dad just sitting there, frozen, shook.

And that had been a videochat. Being here, in contact with the people, it was hard.

It was devastating when I thought of all the people I had had to deliver some of the worst news of their lives.

But at least Will's mom didn't look at me like Poe's family did.

In between the shock and sadness, they looked at me almost angrily. Resentfully... They... They blamed me.

Their son had died and they felt guilty, which they shouldn't have, but they couldn't fit their guilt in with all that sadness and shock in their mind, so they aimed towards me.

I had disappointed them. I had killed their child.

Will's mom was not at all like that. She mourned her kid, but I didn't blame me. She understood it was his disease the thing that was gonna take her Will away, not me.

She appreciated what I'd done for her son.

And that warmed my heart. Thank God for her not putting it on me. So many parents had done it.

"I can't-look at him in the eyes!" she cried. "Whenever I do, I can't handle it! There won't be those beautiful eyes anymore to look at!" she broke down even more.

"Laura." I grabbed her chin gently and lifted it up to make her look at me. She needed to understand something important. "Woman, your son, he gonna die. Soon. Very soon." she gasped. "Those eyes? Yes. They'll be gone." she almost pulled away from my embrace. "But girl, they are still here. He's dying, but he's not dead yet."

"But..." she started.

"He's. Not. Dead. Yet. But he will be. So might as well enjoy his company while he's still here, right? His girlfriend has. And I think he'd appreciate it if you did, too."

She looked at me for a second, then nodded slightly and returned to my embrace, but stiffer, as if she had just made a huge life realization. Which, actually, she had.

I just hoped she took my advice right away. Cuz she was running out of time.





The guy who literally fucking Naruto ran on TV at the raid is my new president

27th SEPTEMBER of 2020 EDIT: someone kindly told me that Will's mother is actually called Meredith, NOT Laura. Sorry about that. Also holy crap this chapter was published a little over a year ago already. Lmao the naruto runner id forgotten about the raid to Area 51. Thanks for reading my story even if the writing is the cringiest thing ever btw :')

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