Ch 8 - Epilogue

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Ch 8 – The Epilogue

Barry woke up with Caitlin nuzzled into his shirtless chest. He started to play with her hair in his fingers when she started to wake up. She turned her head and looked into his green eyes smiling.

"Hey. Did last night really happen?" she asked flipping herself to gaze straight into his eyes.

"Yes, it did" he replied cheerfully kissing her passionately.

"We are quite the pair, Mr Allen" she said breaking the kiss.

"Yes we are, Dr Snow" he said staring back into her eyes.

They stayed like that for 5 minutes before deciding to get coffees for Team Flash and some breakfast at Jitters. Once enjoying there breakfast and talking about what had transpired during his untimely death and resurrection. After discussing the events and agreeing to start a relationship with each other, Barry whisked the two into the cortex where they put the coffees down and headed towards the pipeline. Caitlin used her handprint to lift the door up revealing Iris in a cell while Barry stood back listening to their conversation.

"Caitlin, I'm sorry for killing Barry. I didn't mean to" said Iris in tears.

"Iris. Why did you do it? Surely there were other ways of getting Barry back even though you definitely couldn't" Caitlin said smiling to herself replaying the events of last night in her mind.

Barry smirked at his girlfriends intensity just wishing he could make out with her right then and there but he new better. For now he just watched and waited for Iris's answer.

"I could've got him back, thank you and would've if that stupid meta hadn't have killed him. It's not like you could've got him either." Iris said feeling more confident now as Caitlin just stood in shock. "Don't think I haven't noticed all those looks between you guys and all the times you star at him when he's not looking. You could never have him as I'm Iris West and you're just poor little Caitlin Snow."

Barry fuming at Iris from insulting his girlfriend, he decided to step out of the shadows. "Iris, listen to me right now. I am alive and you just insulted my girlfriend, I don't like that. So I'm taking you to CCPD for murder, attempted murder and destruction of property. The little trust I have left for you makes me believe you won't tell my secret to others. If you do..." Barry vibrated his hand and thrust it towards the floor knowing she got his point.

In the blink of eye Barry took Iris to CCPD, informed them of her crimes and sped back to Caitlin who was standing in the cortex.

"Thank you but I can handle myself" Caitlin said hugging him softly.

"I know but she insulted you and that just pissed me off" replied Barry kissing her.

He pushed her against the desk and started to make out. After a while Cisco, Wally and Julian entered the room unheard by the couple who were close to tearing each other's clothes off.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Cisco yelled suddenly recognising Caitlin kissing a stranger. "Caitlin, why did you bring this stranger into our lab and start full on making out with him. Barry's been dead for only a day. I thought you had more self control."

The couple broke off their heated make out session and Barry turned around smirking as he said "And of course, Cisco has to ruin the moment."

Cisco was gobsmacked however he managed to reply with "wait, what. You're dead. Your body is on that table right there. Are you an imposter?"

"Savitar" Barry said pointing at the body and then pulling his friend into a giant hug.

Soon everyone had joined in on the hug even Joe when he arrived. However upon hearing Barry was Caitlin's boyfriend Julian slipped out of the room unnoticed, went to CCPD and requested a transfer. He had no reason to be there if Caitlin didn't want him. Once all the hugging had ceased everyone wanted to know how he was alive. Barry explained everything. Constantine, Savitar's letter and his new relationship with Caitlin. After everything had died down the only two people left in the cortex were Barry and Caitlin.

"So, how are you feeling?" he asked Caitlin sitting down next to her.

"Just thinking about everything that has transpired over these last two months" she replied turning to face him. "It's so... so different."

"I think that everything is as it should be. Me and you, forever. I love you, Caitlin Snow" he said pecking her on the lips.

"I love you too, Barry Allen" she said smiling to her self as she kissed him this time, more passionately.

Eventually things evolved copying the events of last night. They weren't going to care about who could walk in on them or which villain is going to attack next. As long as they were together, everything was as it should be.


Joe was eventually promoted to captain of the precinct and nobody cared about what Iris had done. Spending time in Iron Heights did her some good as she finally got her head on the right paths of life even if she was going to be in jail for the rest of her life.

Cisco moved to Earth-19 with Gypsy after the city became less hostile. Julian moved to Australia as a CSI for one of the precincts. Julian embraced his more playful and intriguing side after he moved to Australia. Jesse and Wally got married eventually after trying ridiculously hard to get Harry's approval on their relation ship. They now have a baby on the way and are planning on living on Earth 1.

After the incident, Caitlin and Barry's relationship bloomed from there. 2 years after their first date, Barry proposed and got a hell of a yes from her. They got married 1 year later and they found out Caitlin was pregnant with twins. So now Barry and Caitlin live together as husband and wife with twins Nora Hope Allen and Henry Joe Allen.

The End

Hey Guys,

I'm currently working on a new SnowBarry story for you guys. It's going to be where Barry and Caitlin are villains. Once the first 2 or 3 chapter are done I'll post the story so you guys can have a read.

So stay tuned for that. If anyone has any ideas for a story they want me to do, please let me know.


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