Ch 2 - At The House

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Ch 2 - At The House

Iris watched Barry sitting on the side of the couch staring into endless space. She didn't know what he was thinking about, maybe it was Savitar or their relationship, she really didn't know.

"Barry. Earth to Barry Allen. Barry!" she said snapping Barry back to reality. "What is it babe?"

"I just remembered something. I'll see you guys tomorrow" Barry said as he flashed out of the house.

"So Wally" Joe said once Barry had left "How is School? How was the school trip?"

"Um... It was great. We had a lot of fun" replied Wally describing his trip.

Iris had drowned out the conversation because her curiosity had peaked at was Barry was doing. She glanced at the clock at the clock on the wall as it read 11:30.

"Well it's getting late guys so I'm going to bed. Hey dad, is it okay if I crash here for the night. I don't have the brain power to drive home" asked Iris hopefully while giving her best puppy dog eyes to Joe.

"Yeah sure. I'll get you a blanket and a pillow" replied Joe as he stood up from the couch and moved towards the cupboard.

"Well, I'll go to bed too. Night sis. Night dad!" Wally yelled the last part so Joe could hear him and headed up the stairs.

Joe returned with a blanket and pillow, set them down and kissed his baby girl tonight.

"Night baby girl" Joe said as he walked up the stairs to the comfort of his room.

Iris lay down on the couch and texted Barry asking him where he was. After 5 minutes there was no reply so she set her phone down and went to bed.

*Next Morning*


Iris woke up with a start to her dad putting breakfast on the table.

"Iris, I made you favourite pancakes" Joe said motioning her to the plate on the table.

Iris flipped her phone to see that there was no calls or texts from Barry. She ate busily while seeing if there were anyone had spotted the flash last night. Once she finished eating, Iris ran out the door to get a change of clothes and look for Barry. She reached the loft and unlocked the door stepping inside.

"Barry!" she yelled hoping to get his attention. "Barry!"

No response once again she checked upstairs to find no scarlet speedster lying in bed. Iris changed her clothes and headed to CCPD thinking Barry should be there by now. She stopped by Jitters on the way there to grab him a coffee. Iris exited the lift when she heard a voice.

"Hey Iris. Iris" said Singh who headed her way. "Have you seen Allen? I need some case files and he isn't in yet."

"Oh! He's not here yet. He'll be here in a few minutes" Iris lied. "I grabbed him a coffee to keep him going."

"Well, when he gets here tell him I need those case files pronto" Singh said as he marched back to his office.

Iris took the lift and headed to the one place he must be, S.T.A.R Labs. When she got there she saw Cisco and Caitlin heading in.

"Guys! Wait up" she called as she carefully ran towards them trying not to spill coffee. "Have you guys seen Barry yet? He left last night with no explanation."

"Uh... No. We just got here and a little bit hungover from drinking last night" replied Cisco going to unlock the doors. " The doors are unlocked, someone could be inside."

Cisco opens up a breach and everyone rushes through landing in the cortex. They looked and moved around searching for anybody. Once knowing the cortex was safe they headed down to the speed lab. Suddenly something crunched under Caitlin's foot. The 3 looked down to see a piece of glass broken into hundreds of tiny pieces. Looking up Iris saw the broken computers and smashed glass whiteboards.

"It looks like a war zone in here" said Caitlin as Cisco bent down to look at something.

"Caitlin. There's blood on the ground. OMG! There's a whole trail of it"said Cisco spinning after the trail of blood.

The blood led to the locked off pipeline. Cisco went to the computer and put his hand on the sensor.

"Handprint, not recognised" said Gideon keeping the doors locked.

"Gideon, why won't you open the door" said Cisco a tone of anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry Vibe. I've been ordered not to unlock this door without his permission" replied Gideon.

"Who ordered you to keep the door locked Gideon" said Iris bursting with intrigue.

"My creator. Barry Allen" said Gideon calmly. "Barry Allen has left a message for all of Team Flash in the cortex".

*2 hours later*

Everyone including Julian had finally arrived and stood around the computer.

"Dad, where is Wally?" said Iris worrying for her brother's safety.

"He's visiting Jesse. They really needed some more one on one time"replied Joe. "Okay Cisco. Let's watch."

Cisco hit play and the video started. For a couple of second nothing happened and the Barry entered the frame.

"Hey guys..." said Barry his voice faltering preparing for what he was about to say.

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