Ch 1 - The Big Reveal

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Ch 1 - The Big Reveal

Barry was sitting on the side of the couch with Joe, Iris and Wally in the west family household talking about Cecile and Joe.

"I mean, love's the only thing we got in this world. Without it, nothing really matters. And who knows what we'd become if we didn't have it?" said Joe triggering flashbacks in Barry's memories.

Voices echoed along with memories in Barry's head. Joe's words echoed in his head I mean, love's the only thing we got in this world. Who knows what we'd become if we didn't have it? Savitar came next along with him. You did this to me, Barry. I created you? I created myself. Future flashes heart breaking words stung him. You're even gonna create time remnants of yourself, but he's gonna kill them all. Iris will die.

He remembered what Cisco said a couple of days ago. "This is all history. This wasn't just brushing up on days to come. This was precise. Like Savitar was there.

The memories became blurred and voices merged together. "Who knows what we'd become if we didn't have it? One step ahead of you. This is all history. I am the future Flash."

"Barry. Earth to Barry Allen. Barry!" Iris said snapping Barry back to reality. "What is it babe?"

"I just remembered something. I'll see you guys tomorrow" said Barry as he flashed out of the house.

Barry stopped in the street wearing his suit.

"I'm here!" shouted Barry. "I'm here."

Savitar appeared in all his glory standing in front of the flash.

"I know who you are! said Barry. "Everything with you is about time, isn't it? The past, the present, the future you know all of it, right? And you know everything about me! About Joe! About Wally. And Iris! You know our strengths. You know our fears. You know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us. All this time, we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead, but that's not it! You don't just know what's gonna happen to us. You were there. You lived it. You remember when you were me."

Savitar knelt before Barry as he suit opened he stepped out. He was identical to Barry but with what looked like a burnt scar across one side of his face.

"Like I told you from the beginning I am the future Flash" said Savitar smiling at Barry's shocked face. "It's like looking in a mirror. Well not quite."

"You're not so scary without your armour" retorted Barry.

"What can I say? I outgrew red" said Savitar shrugging his shoulders.

"I know what you are. You're a time remnant" said Barry walking around the time remnant.

"A temporal duplicate created when you run back in time and meet yourself. But no, I'm future you. Way after your visit to the future. But now that you brought it up you brought a remnant to life last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died, saving the multiverse, and you continued your happy little life. And it would've stayed that way, but then you decided to play God. You created Flashpoint and changed everything" shouted Savitar angrily at Barry.

"I went to the future. I met my future self and told me that he created time remnants to stop you. But you slaughtered them all. He never could beat you" said a confused Barry.

"All of them. They came at me like an army including you. I killed everyone but you. When you live a funny thing happens after a while. Joe, Wally, Cisco, they all shunned me, well you, because I wasn't the upbeat Barry Allen I used to be. I was a disappointment to Iris memory. A 'fake' hero as Joe put it" said Savitar.

"How did you become Savitar?" asked Barry.

"I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when we realise the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Iris to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born" Savitar replied holding back the distasteful memories ready to come spilling out.

"And the other?" said Barry curiously.

"It may sound ironic given who I'm talking to, but I'll keep that one to myself" said Savitar chuckling to himself.

Barry was thinking about how Savitar came to be and had a thought. He vibrated his arm and aimed it at his chest.

"What happens if I kill myself? If I die, then you die" said Barry watching the his own face for shock or surprise. There was no surprise or shock on his face, there was only disappointment on his face.

"Cause and effect's a tricky thing Barry. Didn't work so well for Eddie, did it? Shot himself in the chest Thawne's still kicking around. See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you" replied Savitar smirking at Barry.

Barry could tell that Savitar was telling the truth so he stopped phasing his hand and moved it away from his chest. Considering his next move wisely, Barry pointed at him.

"But us having this conversation now we're changing the future" said Barry stepping forward.

Savitar quickly respond with "Are we? My ascendancy is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten."

"You're gonna die right here!" said Barry with lightning flashing behind his eyes.

Barry flashed forwards and uppercutted Savitar. Barry put him a choke hold but was rudely interrupted by the his suit who picked him up and threw him to the ground. Barry rolled over the ground and avoided the punch as Savitar sprinted towards the suit as it opened up. Savitar ran and threw lightning straight at Barry who caught it in the chest. With the blinding flash of lightning Barry sprinted away from the battle.

"Run. Run Barry, Run" Savitar whispered.

Barry reached the star labs collapsing on one of the beds and started to patch himself up from the lightning burns. He managed to get a wink of sleep for 5 minutes until the pain raised up again. He treated himself again and started walking around the lab thinking. How could Savitar be me? I wouldn't kill Iris. I wouldn't. I wouldn't? No don't think like that. I can't.

Ahhh! Barry screamed out because his head hurt but also because of the burns across his chest. Barry decided to stop thinking about who he is instead he started to work on a plan to stop him. He grabbed a marker and started writing on the board.

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