Ch 3 - His Confession

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Ch 3 - His Confession


Everyone including Julian had finally arrived and stood around the computer.

"Dad, where is Wally?" said Iris worrying for her brother's safety.

"He's visiting Jesse. They really needed some more one on one time"replied Joe. "Okay Cisco. Let's watch."

Cisco hit play and the video started. For a couple of second nothing happened and the Barry entered the frame.

"Hey guys..." said Barry his voice faltering preparing for what he was about to say.

*Present Time*

"Okay... so this isn't going to make much sense at first but eventually you'll get it" said Barry taking a deep breath as if each one would be his last. "Last night, I did something kinda of stupid. I confronted Savitar and got a little bit burnt in the process".

"WHAT!" yelled Caitlin as everyone leaped from their positions around the computer.

"It did have an upside so don't start yelling Cait" said Barry chuckling to himself. "I found out... who Savitar is behind the mask."

"This means we can stop him" said Joe bouncing with excitement and hugging his daughter.

"You know what he said to me while revealing his identity. He said that I decided to play God and this is all my fault. You know what... he was right. It is all my fault. All my fucking fault!" Barry yelled throwing something across the room causing a bang.

"Cisco can you skip it. We need to know Savitar's identity" Iris pleaded

"Iris. Shh!" replied Cisco wanting to keep watching.

"By now you're all annoyed by me rambling. So let's get to it. Savitar's identity. We should've been able to figure it out. I mean with all the little clues he left, we should've got it. How did we not see it. Savitar... Savitar is... Wow! This is really hard to say" said Barry tearing up. "One quick thing, Iris. I'm so sorry. I don't think I can save you this time. I can't save you, I can't save you from myself."

Everyone in the room gasped at this. Barry Allen is Savitar. Barry Allen who is to marry Iris West is the same person who is going to kill her. Thoughts ran through Iris's head. My own fiancé is going to kill me. She stood as white as a sheet for a second before proceeding to grab her engagement ring and throw it on the ground. Everyone watched as the ring came to halt on the ground and Iris sprinting off into the night.

"Okay so I gave you some time to let that sink in. My future self is Savitar and trust me, it came as a shock to me too. Oh Iris, I hope you can forgive me. I still want to marry you so go damn much" said Barry finally cracking a small smile.

Poor Barry thought Cisco knowing that Iris had ultimately ended it with him. He is going to be devastated.

"At this moment I'm recording this video in the speed lab. While your watching this I'm in the pipeline. Look just give me some time to gather my thoughts. Which should be by the time you've finished watching this. Oh! Quick side note. Um... Cait can you come here quickly, I'm pretty badly hurt" said Barry as shut the camera off.

Caitlin ran to the pipeline in a flash (A/N See what I did) with Cisco trailing along behind her. They reached the pipeline just as Gideon was opening the pipeline doors. Inside was the body of unconscious Barry Allen still in his flash suit. You could see the burnt bits of suit clinging to the body and blood coming from his hands. The cell door opened as Caitlin rushed forwards to pick him up. She felt for a pulse and found he still had one luckily as it was very faint. They 2 moved Barry to the MedBay.

Meanwhile Joe went to talk to Iris who was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Julian, go to CCPD and cover for Barry. Also if Iris is there, call me" said Joe wanting to find his little girl as fast as possible.

Joe exited S.T.A.R Labs and jumped in his car. He drove back home to where Iris was mostly likely going to be all the while thinking about what happened. My adopted son is going to kill my daughter. I can't think about that right now. Iris is probably going to break up with Barry. It's going to break his heart but I can't blame her. He pulled up in front of the house and noticed Iris inside.

"Hey baby girl. How are you doing?" said Joe carefully trying to tread around a full on onslaught.

"How do you think I'm feeling Dad. My fiancé is going to marry me. He also wants to kill me. I have no choice but to end things with him even though it pains me. Maybe Savitar won't come after me. I'm thinking of moving away from Central City, I need to get away from things" replied Iris with all of her emotions spilling out of her.

Iris just sat on the couch, head between her legs and broke down crying. Joe rushed over and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Iris, you are staying here tonight. Look, you have the rest of the day to think about your feelings and what to do about Barry. Now, I really have to get to work or Singh will probably fire me" said Joe while comforting her hurting daughter.

When Joe left, Iris just sat there crying and within a few minutes fell asleep.

God Of Speed's True Identity (SnowBarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora