Ch 4 - She Left

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Ch 4 – She Left

*3pm, The Same Day*

Barry gasped as he sat up from the gurney he had been sleeping on. Iris he thought. Where is she? he wondered.

"Barry!" Caitlin said pushing him back down. "Cisco, Barry's awake!"

"Hey Barry." Cisco said lengthening every word as he walked awkwardly into the cortex.

Barry didn't care. I mean Savitar is him, it was to be expected. Suddenly, Caitlin's voice snapped him out of where he was and back into reality.

"Barry. Barry! Did you hear a word I just said" Caitlin said annoyingly. "Your fully healed and you should be find to start speeding around again in no time."

"Great" he said observing his teammates faces. "Guys, what is it? Please tell me, what is it?"

"Umm... Barry, I don't know how to tell you this but um" Cisco replied looking down at his shoes. "Okay, so we watched your video that you made for us and... well we were watching it and..."

"Cisco for gods sake, if you don't tell me right now, I will speed you right off to China and leave you there with your powers dampened. So tell me right now, what the fucking hell is going on?" Barry yelled at him freaking Cisco out.

"Look Barry" Caitlin said in her soothing voice trying to calm him down. "When you told us all were all in shock."

"By the way dude, dramatic tension, 10 out of 10" Cisco said interrupting them.

"Cisco! Seriously!" Caitlin snapped at his interruption causing him to back down. "Anyway. We were all standing around the computers and then Iris chucked her ring on the floor and walked away. I think I may have even see her spit at it."

Cisco grabbed the ring from his pocket that he picked up earlier and handed it back to him. He glanced at it and with a whoosh he flashed out of the labs. He made it to loft and phased through the door. Once he realised she wasn't there he flashed away straight to the next best place, Joe's. He decided to open the door not wanting to scare her away.

"Iris! Iris!" Barry called as soon as he entered the house.

Barry heard the footsteps against the floorboards he rushed forwards but he realised it was Joe coming around the corner. He looked at Joe's face to see he had been crying and then Barry walked away.

"Barry" Joe called as Barry turned around. "She wanted me to tell she would always love you but she couldn't be here or with you especially knowing who you would become. She left town and probably won't come back for a very long time. I'm truly sorry Bear."

Barry didn't hear that last bit as he already ran out of the room in immense pain. He ran straight into S.T.A.R Labs and passed the cortex. He saw Cisco and Caitlin rush towards him out of the corner of his but he kept on running. He made his way to the speed lab and sat in the corner of the room in tears. He cried his eyes and didn't care what his 2 best friends saw. He felt them sit next to him with Caitlin on his left and Cisco on his right. He lent his head onto Caitlin's shoulder and silently cried. 10 minutes later he was fast asleep snuggled up against Caitlin.

Cisco stood up and quickly grabbed 2 cups of coffee from Jitters and gave 1 to Caitlin trying not to wake Barry up. She nodded towards him in thanks for her coffee as he walked away to tinker with his toys. He came back an hour later because he failed to come up with a way to stop Savitar. Cisco entered and suddenly stopped and smiled at the sight Barry and Caitlin sleeping in each other's arms. He ran back to grab a blanket and put it on top of them.

*16 hours later*

Barry began to stir waking Caitlin up from her sleep. When she realised where she was and who was sleeping against her she nearly jumped up out of embarrassment. She knew better, Barry needed a friend right now.

"His not with Iris anymore. You have a chance now" said Frost being the only person knowing her true feelings towards Barry.

Ever since Barry helped Caitlin face her fears of the pipeline she started have feelings towards him even knowing they wouldn't be reciprocated. Now that Caitlin and Frost had merged together they could talk to each other. Maybe Frost is right and now is my chance thought Caitlin.

"Of course I'm right and you know it" said Frost mentally glaring at Caitlin.

"You know I hate this talking in my head business. I really need to get a handle on it" replied Caitlin chuckling to herself. "Even if your right and he did have feelings for me, I'm not going to act on it. I mean his fiancé just broke up with him."

"I completely agree with you there. But promise me one thing, you have to act on your feelings eventually otherwise I will do it for you" said Frost calmly but Caitlin knew she was serious.

She suddenly felt him move, slowly waking himself up.

"Hey Barry" She said rubbing his soft hair wanting anything for the chance to kiss him right then and there.

"Hey Cait. Thanks for staying with me" replied Barry the slight hurt sounding in his voice.

"Anytime Barry. You've been there for me so many times I can't even count. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you ok" said Caitlin wanting to lift his spirits smiled at him.

"Thank you again for being here for me" he replied. "Right now, I just want to go home. We'll talk soon ok" he said standing up and walking away.

He almost skipped out of the speed lab because her smile as always brightens up the room. Including how beautiful she if and smart she is he thought. OMG! I'm falling for my best friend, Caitlin Snow. He flashed home and stood on his balcony. With one quick move, he grabbed the ring and tossed it way finally free from Iris. He crashed onto the bed dreaming about his favourite doctor.

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