Ch 6 - A Conversation That Ends In Tears

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Ch 6 – A Conversation That Ends In Tears

The sun shines through the window landing on Caitlin's face waking her up. She didn't recognise her surroundings until she remembered last night. I was watching a movie with Barry and somehow I ended up here she thought. She rolled over to see the shirtless body of one, Mr Barry Allen lying next to her. He looks so hot without a shirt... hang on a second. She pulled up the covers and found she luckily still had clothes. Thank God. Barry wouldn't take advantage of me like that she thought.

"But you wish he did" said Frost in a teasing tone. "You wish he did so much more."

Barry shuffled in his sleep and quickly she closed her eyes not wanting him to know, she was staring at him. She heard him sit up disturbing the covers and the moved closer to her.

"Cait" he said shaking her. "Cait, time to get up."

"Barry... What am I doing in your bed?" she asked wanting to hear it from him but also wanting to stay it longer.

"Okay, I'll tell you" replied Barry explaining what happened.


Barry woke up with Caitlin leaning against him. "Ahh!" he said rubbing his neck. God, my neck is killing me. I should move but Caitlin looks so beautiful just sleeping there and certainly don't want to wake he thought smiling to himself. He started playing with her hair curling it around his finger gently when he had a realisation. I am in love with Cait he thought while his mind did a cute little dance.

Suddenly the pain flared up his neck from the uncomfortable position he was in. That's it. I'm moving he thought grabbing Caitlin doing his hardest not to wake her. He moved her to his bedroom putting her carefully under the covers and quickly changed out of his jeans, in the bathroom just in case she woke up. Once in better clothing he got under and laid there dreaming about Caitlin.


"You could have just woken me up, you know" said Caitlin trying her best not to eyes wander towards his abs as she stood up.

"Anyway, if this is going to become a thing, us falling asleep next to us please let me know in advance so I can clean up this place" he said with a smirk. "Ok, I'm going to make us some breakfast. Any request... m'lady."

"You don't have to that Barry, I'll leave and go grab something from Jitters" she replied walking to the door.

"Oh no you don't. I'm making you breakfast because you are my guest, ok" he said blocking her.

"Fine" she replied as she sat down at the table thinking about a life with Barry.

*15 minutes later*

"Oh my god. Barry Allen, that is way too much for the two of us" said Caitlin almost screaming at him as he carried the piles of pancakes over.

"Trust me Cait, it'll be fine" replied Barry as he sat down to eat. "So what should we talk about?"

"We can't talk about our love lives seeing as we know everything already" she said taking a bit of his pancakes. "Omg. These pancakes are amazing. You have to give me this recipe at some point."

"Well , we can't talk about my love life because it's gone to shit but what about yours? A certain CSI named Julian?" he said inquisitively wanting to know for the future if she was single.

"After the debacle with Frost, he became scared of me so we didn't end up going on another date. I really liked him but I think the right guy will probably come along soon" replied Caitlin. "I have a question for you. What did you do during your 1 month of isolation from the outside world?"

God Of Speed's True Identity (SnowBarry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora