Error x Fresh (Part 3)

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"Seeing him cry shouldn't hurt, right?"


Fresh wandered around another alternate timeline he haven't thought of corrupting yet. The view was breathtaking not like the usually copy and paste timelines. Usually when that happens. The turd isn't motivated or inspired by anything so he just made the usually boring what ifs. The snas here is alright. He was like the original. Just not in the underground, they were in space. The people welcomed him here not really knowing who he is and that he's just a little ol sans friend who was there to sight see. Which is what he always intend to do. This is the only timeline he could trust. And the only timeline he could ever feel as if he belonged. 

"Hey there Fresh" a familiar voice echoed in the empty space. "You didn't told me you were coming, i should had called papyrus" the guy added. Fresh peeled his eyes off the sky just to glance at his old buddy. Outer sans. The guy was wearing his usual sky jacket and flip flops. Something wasn't right though. He seemed tired. "Heyo Mah bro outer space snas! How ya diddly day today?" Fresh questioned, he was curious about what had happened. Outer chuckled. Averting his eyes off the glassed man. "The human. They" His  eyes closed as if he's reminiscing. "They started a genocide route" He concluded. Fresh fixed his eyes on the snas. "After they finished a pacifist route" his breath hitched "why?" Outer started to weep. "Weren't they happy of that route? why did they feel like they're in need of doing a genocide one?" Outer wanted answers. But he got none. Fresh embraced the other snas. "Don't cry my brotato chip. these thing will past. I know of it" Fresh declared, hoping his words would give the other guy hope. And it did, Outer wiped off his tears and is now ecstatic. "Thanks bud, i appreciate it." he murmured. Letting Fresh go and once again, gazed at the sky. Fresh chuckled looking back at where he originally stuck his eyes on.. It was a breezy and quiet night and their silence was indeed relaxing. 

For Fresh he haven't experience what it's like to get murdered, to grief nor be happy by anything. He has no human, no au, no papyrus, no home. All he has is himself, and his glasses. So it was hard to understand what's so painful about the genocide route if it's all just gonna reset? Why waste your tears on a person who you would know would be alive the next reset? Fresh suspired. "Does he even want to know what pain feels like?" He thought to himself, his smile still scarred around his face and then his little maiden crossed his mind, what is the little one doing now? He was sure he wasn't with any of the snases since he knew that everyone was scared of him. He backed away and turned around to open a portal through the void. "Leaving so soon Fresh?" Outer questioned wanting to to pry into the matter deeper. "Oh i'lljust look out for my maiden. He's quite upset. Fresh answered as sweatglistened down his cheek, not being that much visible. He was worried he was gonna get exposed by the only person who made his heart skip a beat. "A maiden huh?" Outer murmured, "Well have fun, invite me in your wedding when you two aren't fighting anymore." He added, a smile spreading across his mouth. Fresh didn't mind any more suspicious sentences of Outer and just left. And he was relieved when his little maiden was just there. Hugging the little turd's scarf. It made him a little jealous. "Did his little maiden have any feelings for that son of a turd?" he pondered to himself as he walked closed to the guy. 

"I-Ink!" Error retorted suddenly but stopped as the person he thought was Ink, Was'nt him. Instead he was greeted by a colorful 90s fashion clothes. The one that terrorized him. "O-oh its you" His voice seemed to be seethed with anger and disappointment. But Fresh didn't mind it and sat down besides him. As expected his little maiden went away a little. Cautious about what he's gonna do. "Don't worry my brotato chip. I won't do anything naughty" He smirked. "Unless you wanted to" Fresh ventured.  As he saw his little maiden's cheeks turn red. "You're a perv" Error stated as he hugged the scarf tightly. Fresh was feeling tremendous emotions not knowing what to do in the situation or what exactly to feel. Should he feel jealous? Happy? or sad that even after making him flustered, he could still see the lining of dry tears? He heaved a sigh as his hand curled up into a fist. "Hey Brotato chip" he murmured in his breath. Making Error turn his gaze on him. "Have you.." Fresh stared down the ground as all the bad things he had done started to march it's way into his mind. "Have you ever felt guilty for what you've done?" He dropped his 90's accent. Knowing full well this was a serious conversation. 

Error chuckled, his guard lowering as he held Fresh's hand, trying not to glitch out like he used to. He knows this guy murdered the love of his life. And yes it hurts, but he knew, it was for a reason. He knows that Fresh was hurting, in some way. Even when he's the destroyer of  worlds. He still has empathy. And he forgives him. "Fresh, I'm the destroyer of worlds, i'm deemed as a murderer, a psychopath to a lot of timelines i haven't deleted, i have felt guilt" He consoled, Fresh peeled off his gaze on the ground. Looking at his maiden's hand that was holding him. And chuckled. "I know what you did, but i don't have any grudges to you to make you feel bad about what you've done to Ink" He added gripping on the other's hand. Tears formed in Fresh's eye sockets as he chuckled. "Man, you really are something my little maiden" he mumbled but since it is the void. Error  could hear him loud and clear. Error gazed at him a little tint of red around his cheeks, It seemed like Fresh didn't knew he heard that and just smiled and stayed silent. 

"He wouldn't worry for anything right now, they wanted peace even if it's not forever, their hands holding each other as they fell deep into sleep. Letting their imagination take over them"

The end


Now how about you make a theory on what actually happened to them? if you are interested. If not that's alright. I hope you had fun reading! This is the end of Error x fresh short story. Like i said this isn't even a one shot anymore

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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