Error x reaper Part 2!

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Hai guyz i was wondering In so many oneshots what do you all think would be nice to make as a story? Comment please! Hehehe
Now back with the story

Reaper pov
"Is it bad to love someone else when
you're married?"

I thought to myself as i watch Error slowly walk away from me, it kinda broke my heart a little that i saw him.. crying

But why? Did i do something wrong??

I was busy thinking that i forgot to feed my children
"Geno is gonna kill me"

Goth was dying of hunger (not literally hahaha) cause his dang rotten dad wasnt home yet and his papa was Out of town

"Dadddddd.... where are youuuu im so hungryyyy"

Goth groaned while his tummy growled, after minutes (which felt like hours for him) his dad FINALLY went back home with cookdf food on his hands

goth screamed at him then throws a pillow at reaper directly at his bone head almost causing the precious food to fall down his Boney hands

" chill kid! I was busy buying food for you!!" Reaper Poorly lied placing the food on their table and drank some coffee

Ohohoho Goth already knew what happened

"Or maybe you were Dating with papa'ssss.... sibling Uncle Error?
Goth spontaneously Said while A smirk slowly growing on his face

Reaper was SHOOKETH (im kidding)

Reaper almost Spitted out all the "hot" coffee on his Robe while Quickly glancing at his Pesky Child

Reaper cussed while getting up

"Aha! Im right you rotten old dad, don't hide it its clearly seen yah dingus"
Goth complied while laughing at him, then reaper Sighed in defeat

"Yes i was... checking out Error"

He was a little afraid of what goth might say to him,but goth just smiled and got up to eat besides him

"Dad It's fine for me that you have another lover, if thats what makes you happy i support it"

Goth said while slurping a dick--- i mean Noodles (nudeles hahah)

"Wait you're not mad? You're not gonna say I'm a bad father for loving Error?"

Reaper said staring at his kid looking for a lie or hurt expression but he saw none

"Pfft dad I maybe a kid but i understand love is complicated, what i'm worried about is how papa would react if he finds out l about this"

Goth  said, and he did had a point, Reaper was confused as well how to make this alittle more ok for each of them

"Papa would seriously be hurt you know"
Goth said almost finishing the noodles if the god dang Hotness of the Water didnt burned his tounge

Reaper was In his mind, Deep in thought, how can he resolve the problem?

Would he leave Geno or would he let go of Error?

To be continued

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