Error X Fresh (Part 2)

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This is part two and we previously left Error having a mental a crisis or something. Thank you for the constructive criticism and i just wanted to let you all know that i will be publishing my own original story :3. Cause i wanted to try to share my writing to the world even when it's kinda really not good at telling it but as  a sneak peak it will be about a tiny bit of religion, (Catholic) and it will be BL (Boy love). I am not quiet sure when i will publish it here cause i'm hesitant at my own writing skills for i am just an immature writer who would love to improve more than just be like this, i want to make chapters longer that is why in my previous chapter i warned you all, about this being a trial and error writing. But fret not, i was out of the undertale fandom until i got back in again. Sorry for babbling too much. Let's start the chapter

Note: Constructive Criticism is humbly welcomed


"I don't regret telling Glitchy the truth about his world. He acts to nice and too merciful for someone who destroys aus and gets blamed aimlessly for something he has never done. If i was in his place. I would prove them wrong. With radical violence."


"Skatin around another Snowdin is tiring brah. So many snas around. But let's be honest brotato chips. It's just snases in different clothing." Fresh thought to himself feeling his skateboard struggling down him in trying to skate through the big piles of snow and dust. Right now he was indeed in dust tale. One of his favorite aus since the sans here is quite, Out of his mind after millions of resets of the human that he had a Papyrus with just a head and hands, floating around like a ghost around him. He was never affected by the resets of different alternate timelines since he is a disease himself, a mistake that was succumbed in darkness but his spark never faded. After skating for more than an hour he finally found what he was looking for. The creator of this Hellish aus that can't be regulated by the world. Fresh grinned knowing it was him who did it. But who is the person who kept  getting all the credit he did? 

"Man, what an unradical broski, takin all my fame" Fresh grumbled, listening to more of Ink's complaints, all of it was just random cursing and others but a name stood out that made him wonder who the hell would name their sans "Error".  "Is that the maiden name of the beautiful fame stealer?" he reminisced  to himself, crossing his arms and deliberating the little information he got. Maybe this sans was a beautiful woman? based on his or her name? He didn't know, but what he knows is that he must know who this Error was. Wasting no time, After Ink went inside the portal he made for the so called void. Which Fresh has never gone through due to the lack of awesomeness in it. The last time he went there was the time where no one was in there at all. Just him and his fresh glasses where it stated "boring" on it. He promise himself that he wouldn't go there anymore cause going there for another time would be his demise. But Here he is again, inside the void, but with one thing added to it like sugar spice and everything nice

Stood there was a glitchy little skeleton, chilling in a beautiful handmade stringed hammock. He was glitching, yes, but his body and overall cute face was a sight for sore eyes. "My god" Fresh thought, Staring intensely at the skeleton although the focus of the glitchy skeleton was on the sight of a painful turd, Ink. He was there scolding poor lil glitch snas. He observed the turd and the beauty fighting about the destroyed au, which Fresh should be held responsible for. Not Glitchy. As the glitch skeleton got off his hammock, trying his best to prove his innocence. Little turd didn't believed him. All Fresh did was watched the fight happen, until he saw Little turd defeated which made him glee. But his gleeful moment was turned to dust as he saw the turd get an obviously dangerous substance in his bottle of little paint shit

"any last words?" Error said getting his gaster blasters out. Fresh stared at the little ones. They're as cute as their little maiden master. But he was mildly concerned about the glitch's awareness. He could perceive it. Glitch didn't know the turd had something up his sleeve. But before Little turd could do the dirty trick he was planning. Fresh sprinted towards them in lightning speed, leaving his colorful keyboard behind just to save the skeleton he had been eyeing on. He didn't have time to cover any of his body parts, as the red dye splattered all over his shirt and glasses. He wasn't suprised when he knew he was immune to the substance, but his clothes weren't. As his jacket, shirt and glasses melted he quickly covered his maiden's eyes as his hellish turned heart and glowing eye were revealed infront of a shocked little turd. 

"that's unradical to do my little brotato chip~" Fresh rebuked. Clearly angry at what he done to his precious clothes and glasses. "W-wait who are you-"  Ink stammered in his words, gripping tightly on his paintbrush in fear due to the horrifying eyes of Fresh, he felt as if his soul was getting devoured by those eyes as Fresh grinned, liking the fear developing on the poor little turd. His little maiden was rebooting due to him accidentally touching him too close but it was worth it cause he will never see what will happen to the creator of shits. "My name's Fresh and it's bad to meet you little turd~ but you won't be seeing the light of day anymore" His boney smile grew wider as he started to possess and devour a fearful soul of a sans. He transfered into the little one's soul as the body started to get used to his own sparkly soul, it was about 5 more minutes before his little maiden wakes up. he made a decision to grab his former remainings of his former body and got all ink's belongings away except for his clothes since his maiden woke up so suddenly. He kept his usual clothing, since well, he loves his clothing, but his glasses were dead. His maiden was fully awoke now,clearly confused but i could tell he rebooted earlier but then again, i crashed him which made him lose that little memory. 

"Good mornin my brotato chip" Fresh welcomed him. But he was a rude little maiden and just  asked where is little turd which he didn't took a liking of. "Chill little glitchy" Fresh relented. "Take it easy, my name's fresh and you must be glitchy" He concluded, a smile forming in his bone lips. "Well yes and no, my real name is Error. Glitch is just an synonym of my name" he mumbled. Fresh could feel the fear in his voice and body language that is why he started to joke, until he gave his maiden a hug, he didn't know why after that, his little maiden got terrified of him. To the point he got a gaster blaster and some bones pointed at him. "What did i do wrong?" Fresh cogitated. The little act made the heart on his eye clench in pain. He got irritated at what his little maiden did so he got a little revenge. 

"Hey brah i gotta tell you something" Fresh ventured as Error tried to blast or hit him with his strings and power. But what tipped him off is when his little maiden, told him that he will tell the other sanses about his well being. "Well aren't you a daredevil~" he mumbled to himself, effortlessly dodging all his attacks getting closer to him. "Tell them" Fresh whispered in his ear. His voice going octave. "After all. Who would believe a monster like you?" He finished,  as he felt his maiden froze. He was satisfied with it and slowly left him, to deal with his existential crisis.


Error snapped out of his thought, looking around seeing nothing but just the outfit of Ink beside him. "I-Ink" he stammered, gripping on the scarf. "What did he do to you?" he concluded, glitching tears threatening to fall on his cheeks. 

"He loved the creator, even if he despised a destroyer like him."


I sincerely apologize, this isn't a one shot anymore at all. Maybe part 3 will be the last since i have a gut feeling people are hating my one shots now cause of all the to be continued stuffs.

Sanscest one shots (Opened)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora