Reaper x Error

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Requested by Bendy_And_The_Ink
There's part two here

Ever wondered
"How can two destructive and evil beings feel love or love someone? All they do was To think Of killing or having the happiness to watch other people suffer?"

I've been thinking the same thing
"How do you love someone exactly?"

Everything was so confusing to me

I sighed as i sat on the bench in outer tale
"They always say if you love someone tell them, cause their hearts are often broken by the words lefr unspoken"

I stared at the pretty twinkling stars and thought
"Does anyone love a glitch like me? No one ever told me that they love me..."

i raged and threw a rock at a tree only to hear a person saying "ouch!!!"

My mind went on caution mode and summoned my strings

I threatened the trespasser

The boy Lifted his hands up in defeat

"Calm your glitchy ass,Erry"

I calmed down when i just saw my brother in law "Reaper"  i put my guard down and sighed in relief

" i thought you were Ink or something"

I said to him, earning me a chuckle as he sat besides me, litting a cigarette and smoking, i raised my eyebrow and slapped the cigar away

"Thats bad for you"

" oh come on glitchy"
He whined and tried to persuade me to let him smoke

"Doesn't Your wife (geno) stop you from smoking!!! And stop calling me erry nor glitchy! We're not close remember that!!!!"

I straight up said to him the truth, it was very annoying, not even my own brothers call me Any nicknames since they thought i was gonna rage and kill them (they didn't trust me one bit)

Reaper fell silent and Goes closer to my face which made me back away hitting the metal  thing, and making me shiver in cold, i could feel his cold breath upon my nose and i felt my face heat up as he says this words in a very seductive tone

"Is this close enough for you~"

He purred in my ear and hugged me so suddenly that i crashed
"Oh fuck"

After i regained my composure i hit his Skull face fuck face

I screamed my face turning red as a tomato, i just heard him laugh gleefully

"I love you too erry"

I suddenly felt my heart skipped a beat and shaked

"W-what is this f-feeling"
I thought while clutching my chest feeling the beat of my heart racing a marathon or something

"Erry yah ok?"

Reaper asked but Error Started to feel another crash

" i-is this love-"
(You cant love him! Hes married and has kids already!!!! Stop!!!"

I heard the voices say to me i started to tear up knowing they were dang right, i dont want to ruin my brother's relationship... i just have to keep it a secret

I was so deep in my thoughts that i didnt noticed Reaper's concerned look at his tone of voice and face. I calmed down and wiped the tears away, then smiled at him

Im fine... just caught dust in my eyes, ill be taking my leave now Reaper
I got up and teleported away before he even said good bye or anything hell i would know

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