Different Day: Different Sh**

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Ash's Pov.

I was drenched in sweat. 

My second day as a personal trainer in this new gym and I had just finished a banger of a class. It was my second one of the day and it was packed. Yesterday I had had two classes just to get my feet wet and the feedback was phenomenal. Even though the classes were small because I was new, they swore they loved me and would be back the next day for more. Now, today, not only had they showed up, but they showed up with friends.

We were using Muay Thai as a form of training, getting our arms, legs and abs into shape all at once and I don't think my body could take another work out even if it wanted to. Luckily for me each course was an hour and although the wage was 18 quid, it was 18 per hour per person. And since my class was made up of 12 students in the first, and 17 in the second, that was a little over 500 pounds in the span of two hours.

With that in my back pocket, I was still staffed with one on ones for the next four hours. Luckily for me, one on one trainings were more so me showing them correct technique and then sticking around to watch them and provide support. Unlike classes that called for me to be intensely involved in order to provide motivation, one on ones could rely heavily on verbal instead of physical interaction.

I finish packing up my gloves into my duffle bag, ready to throw my things into my locker room and towel off before my first private session. When I turn to head out of the classroom, I nearly run straight into a mass of darkness. I look up and am met by dark chocolate eyes and a mop for hair.

"JJ?" I nearly laugh. It had been ages since I saw the lad, and last time he was completely plastered.

He grinned like a demon, "Hey girl, lookin' fit. Heard you're my personal trainer for the day?"

I cocked my head, "Oh really? I don't remember seeing you on my schedule."

I fish for my perfectly organized spreadsheet. It was like now that I had settled into my life here in London, my productivity sky rocketed. The apartment is looking amazing, my room is always clean, I've organized my closet. I even bought a desk to put in there have been planning out my weeks so I'm not so scatterbrained. I had begun to have everything in place, but as I looked at my schedule for the day I realize the only thing I didn't seem to have is JJ on my list.

I shook my head and looked back up at him, "Sorry JJ, I don't have you."

He laughed, "It's because its under Olajide. My name had to match the one on my credit card for them to book me."

I stifled a laugh, "You name is Olajide?"

"Olajide William Olatunji." He smiled proudly.

"I like it, you sound like a proper african warrior."

"Hey-hey-hey, that's racist."

I rolled my eyes. With my slightly less tired arm I shoved him back. We his solid stance didn't budge, I used my boxing experience to uppercut him in the stomach. He laughed and followed along with my play fighting. When we were done having a spaz moment together, we straightened up.

"Ahh.." I sighed, "That was fun, I needed a solid wrestle for once."

He nudged my side, "Oh I'm sure you get enough wrestling with Harry. Naked wrestling - ah- ah- get what I mean." He nudged me with each Ah, eyebrows raising in the most immature way possible.

I pulled my bag high on my shoulder and headed for the door, "Actually... Harry and I have only slept together once."

"What?" He followed, "But you're like super fit, and he's like super energetic."

I laughed at the idiot, "And? Just because we both have the energy for it doesn't mean we need to be f**king all the time. We like hanging out, doing exciting things instead of just wasting our time in the bed room."

JJ's eyebrows shot up, "Wasting your time? Nah fam, you gotta like spice that s**t up then. Get yourself some lacy thongs and that, yah?"

I rolled my eyes for I think the third time since he showed up? This guy was a propper dunce.

I moved away from mine and Harry's sex life and directed him to the weight racks. While he went over to warm up I ran into the locker rooms to store my bag. Since he was here earlier than I had expected, I didn't have time to towel off my sweat, but I would just have to deal with it.

I jogged over to JJ and started instructing him on some weight lifting workouts. Today we were working on arms and back, but since he was a boxer we needed to ensure that there was no injuries, so instead of lifting heavy we'd be lowering the weight but doing many more reps. For over an hour we worked between some barbell workouts and mostly dumbell workouts. We would start off low in weight to wake the muscles up, then slowly build up until his body was exhausted, then we'd move back down in weight. 

Despite my previous exhaustion I worked out with him, getting in his face and proving that if I could do it, he most certainly could push through the pain and get it done. By the end of the hour I felt both powerful and miserable all at once.

"Alright JJ," I clapped him on the shoulder, "Last five minutes of our time together we use to stretch. C'mon."

We walked over to the empty space designed for yoga classes and athletes who needed to stretch. In the back there was a stretching cage and I directed him in the direction of it. While he extended his arms and gently pulled on the tight muscles, we talked more.

"So, you and Harry seriously haven't -"

"Shut up JJ." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.


"Whether or not Harry and I are sleeping together frequently, infrequently, or not at all, is none of your business."

He dropped his arm and looked at me while I stretched out my shoulder. "Do you want to sleep with him?" He asked.

I released my arm from its pulled position to shrug, "I mean yeah, but-"

"Nah nah nah, but nothing. If you want that just let him know. He wants to get in that, girl."

I nodded, "And I want you to get out, my next appointment is due any minute."

"Oh no, you can't just kick me out." He tsked.

I shook my head and started walking away, "Bye JJ. Make sure to drink water."

I headed to the front desk to meet my next shift, but while my body was checked into getting the job done, my mind was on Harry. On the way he kissed, and what it would feel like to be beneath him doing more than just making out. For the next three hours all I could think about was how good it would feel to ride him, and when I finally clocked out, I couldn't get home quick enough.

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