Chapter 2 - The Search

Start from the beginning

" And Lucian." The brown haired one. This one had a sense around him that Owen knew well. It was arrogance and one that made Owen immediately dislike him.

"It turns out your lost girl was supposed to be in witness, before she went missing." She what? Is that why she chose to be a wolf? To hide? What had she been involved in? Did it have to do with her ability to change into a wolf? Owen had to many questions, but if they were federal agents, he likely wouldn't get his answers.

" When I notified the sheriff, he searched her name. When he did, it flagged in their system." So that's how they had known and why they were here now.

" Is she inside?" The one called Christian asked and Owen shook his head at his question.

" She was when I fell asleep, but when I woke, she was gone." Owen admitted, and both agents frowned. Seconds later, Christian's face held one of concern at his words, while his partners held one of annoyance. The two were light night and day, but perhaps that was why they were assigned as partners, Owen reasoned.

" Her leg was injured bad, so she couldn't have gotten far though. I just woke up." Owen said, and Christian considered that, before he pulled something out of his pocket.

"I know this is an old picture but is this her?" He asked and held the picture out to Owen.

In it was picture of a little girl with two people who had to be her parents. The resemblance was unmistakable, as was the resemblance to the agent, but Owen chose not to comment. Maybe it was just a coincidence. He looked closer at the little girl, and he made out the familiar feathers in her hair. Yes, it was her.

" That's her." He said with confidence, and he heard a sigh of relief escape Christian. Was that good or bad? Were they here to help her, or another reason?

" We need to look for her then. It is of the up-most importance that we find her and as soon as possible." Lucian said, and his partner frowned at him. Night and day indeed.

" If they are going to help us, they need to understand first." Christian said to his partner.

" It's classified." Lucien snapped back; his voice clearly made it clear the idea was not up for debate.

Owen didn't like him, that he was now sure of. Something was off about him, but maybe Owen was just worried about her. Sounded like she was in a lot of danger now that she had been discovered.

" I have a different mission then you. You are only here to find her, from that moment on, my mission here starts." Christian snapped back, just as aggressively. What was his mission then and why didn't these two get along? Their mission should have the same goal despite their differences. Cana should be what mattered to them, not their personal issues.

" Make us understand what?" Owen finally asked, hoping to distract them. It worked. They both turned their attention back to him.

" Cana's parents were hired by their employer to study a virus they believed was killing off wolves and threatening their existence. Both being wolf conservationists and zoologists, they both immediately agreed." Christian explained, and the other man scuffed. Owen ignored him.

" I take it they were told wrong?" Owen guessed. Christian nodded, then continued.

" I have the full file if you want to read it. I might need your help later, so I don't mind lending it to you. But cliff-note version." He added when his partner scuffed again.

" We still don't know all the details. It was part of the agreement the government made with Cana's parents. All we know is that Cana's parents were injected with whatever they had been working on." Is that why she could shift? Had their research related to that?

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