11. Innocent Babies

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Yes, that's right, two updates in one night! I had a flow going today, and since I've been so terrible about updating regularly (my classes are keeping me so busy, you guys have no idea), I wanted to treat you guys because I appreciate you so so much. So, please enjoy today's double-header.


Skylar's dragon snarled at the enormous female Wildling. She made Leo look small and absolutely dwarfed Skylar. And she was out for blood. Her shriek pierced the sky and she flew at full speed toward them. The blue dragon glanced back at Leo, who was still in his human form. He was getting ready to shift, but the mother Wildling was nearly on them. With only a moment's hesitation Skylar launched herself into the sky to collide with the speeding dragon. They slammed together in a mess of snapping jaws and slicing claws.

Skylar grappled with the other dragon, who was completely ballistic, trying her best to kill Skylar. She was quite easily twice Skylar's size, and it was difficult for Skylar to ignore as she evaded the deadly teeth and claws that were going for her jugular and gut. Skylar got her legs between them and shoved away, launching herself away from the Wildling, only to collide with another. The male, the mate, the father of the eggs. He was a dark gray, like a storm cloud, and though not as large as the female, still much, much larger than Skylar.

His teeth closed around her neck with a menacing snarl. Skylar yelped and jerked backward, trying to stop her throat from being torn out. Leo finally made it into the air and was keeping the female from joining the male in trying to kill Skylar. The wildlings were absolutely rabid in protecting their eggs. They weren't fighting with reason, not just to win. They were fighting to kill.

Skylar closed her wings and dropped away from the male, hoping to get a moment to catch her breath. She did, but only one, before he was on her again. This time, they began to tumble toward the ground, as the male was more focused on killing her and protecting his eggs than saving himself. She tried to close her jaws around his neck, but was unsuccessful as he dodged her.

Heat began to gurgle in her belly, and she suddenly remembered her newest power. Something she hadn't had to use at all since discovering that she could do it. Summoning her fire was purely instinctual, feeling it rise from deep within her, burning along her throat as she let it fly through her mouth to slam into the Wildling's face.

Scales were fireproof, eyes were not, and the Wildling squealed in pain as he let her go. She dashed away, using her quick flying to get away from him. It didn't take him long to recover though before he was after her again. But now that she had a head start, she could outfly him for a little while. Hopefully. Enough to figure out how she could beat him. He couldn't beat him up close, that was for certain. The blood dripping from the wounds on her sides, wetting her scales, was a clear indicator of that.

She glanced over at where Leo and the female were locking in close battle. Leo was winning, due to his experience and greater size. Skylar watched as he got the female around the throat... and tore it out. Without hesitation. With horror, she watched the lifeless Wildling body fall to the ground far far below. It was like it was in slow motion as the massive form dropped toward the forest, the impact and snapping of trees as she hit loud even from where they hovered above the ground. Skylar hesitation cost her though. With a pained screech, the male Wildling, having just seen his mate killed, slammed into Skylar.

The pair plummeted back toward the cliff, Skylar not having any moment to stop him. She roared and yelped, whipping her head to and fro, trying to avoid his teeth finding her throat. One of his sharp incisors caught just above her brow and tore through the scales there, almost all the way down to her eye. Blood immediately flooded her vision and she shook her head trying to see through it.

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