9. A Mother's Instincts

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"Ouch!" Skylar snapped, shoving her thumb in her mouth and glaring at the sewing needle. Laura laughed quietly, blushing when Skylar's glare shifted to her. Skylar narrowed her eyes at her dear friend. "Something funny?"

"No, no, of course not," Laura assured her, going back to where she was mending one of Percy's old shirts. She, of course, didn't have trouble guiding the needle through the fabric without harming herself. Skylar, on the other hand, certainly did.

They were seated on the front porch of the Big House, enjoying the warm afternoon sun and gazing over the clan.

"I never did much needle-work at the castle," Skylar admitted, glancing at her thumb to make sure it was no longer bleeding before touching the fabric again. She was helping Victoria by sewing some more diaper cloths for Benny, and she was regretting it more and more with each stab of her finger.

Her lack of interest in doing any sort of sewing had driven her mother and Greta crazy. She preferred reading, drawing, and sneaking into the kitchen to watch the bakers. She even preferred her studies over needle work.

Laura snorted. "I couldn't tell," she drawled.

Skylar laughed softly. "At least I never claimed to be proficient at it."

"And even if you had, I would have figured out soon enough that you're a liar!"

Skylar grinned at the Beta female. She was grateful to the other woman's presence while her mate was gone. She'd likely have driven herself mad without the distraction. Not that Nana and her chores weren't distracting, but they weren't as comforting as having someone who understood exactly what she was going through. Skylar couldn't imagine how Laura was feeling with Percy gone and being so newly pregnant. It was hard enough for dragons to be away from their mate normally, but when the female was pregnant? That had to be hard on both dragons.

"How are you feeling?" Skylar asked, pausing her sewing as she glanced up so as not to stab herself once again.

Laura shrugged. "Tired, but otherwise good. I haven't needed Nana's tea for stomach sickness yet, and I'm hoping it stays that way. Oh, and I'm always hungry. This little one is going to be like his father and eat enough for two or three dragons."

Skylar chuckled. "I'm glad you're feeling well. I'm so excited for you, Laura."

The Beta female smiled softly and put a hand on her stomach. She wasn't showing yet but dragon infants grew quickly. It would be only a few more weeks before a roundness started to form. "Me too. Percy and I want a big family. I can't wait to get it started."

"How big?"

"I want six babies," she smiled. "Percy wants seven."

Skylar raised her eyebrows. She knew a lot of human families were that large, but she hadn't yet seen a dragon family with so many offspring. "That would be quite the brood."

Laura nodded with a shrug. "It's just what I imagine when I see Percy and myself old and gray, surrounded by a whole clan of our children and grandchildren. What about you and Orion? What do you see?"

Skylar hesitated. She had quite honestly never pictured Orion and herself as old, with gray hair, the majority of their life behind them. But, the image came to her easily as she looked over to the small hill where Orion wanted to build their home. "I see us, sitting together in front of our house, looking over our clan. Together. I'm sure we have children and grandchildren, but all I see for sure is just us." It was odd to imagine, since their life together had barely begun, but the picture was clear in her mind. It could change and shift at her will, but one thing remained constant: she and Orion, side by side, his hand holding hers firmly, brushing his thumb over the back of her hand. Smiling at her gently, his eyes warm with love and affection. Those eyes were surrounded with age and wisdom, wear from their life together. So many happy years together...

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