14. Betrothed

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"Don't move," the artist snapped at Orion yet again. Orion narrowed his eyes at the wiry man, but refrained from stretching his neck. He heard Skylar gently chuckle beside him, the warm sound relaxing the tightness in neck. But only a little.

They'd been sitting for approximately five hours, and he hated every minute of it. His dragon paced in his head, as anxious as Orion to get up and do something. Anything. Anything other than sit here. Skylar didn't seem to be having as much trouble as he did, but this wasn't the first time she'd had to pose for a portrait. Orion thought that the last time he'd sat still this long was when he was recovering from the stab wound to his chest.

He glanced down at his mate, who sat tall on the throne with her hands folded neatly in her lap. Orion stood next to her with his hand on the hilt of the sword that hung on his hip, which had been provided by Jonathan. One of the last people Orion wished to see.

When Orion and Skylar had entered the room where the artist awaited them, they'd been greeted by the sight of Jonathan standing just inside the doorway watching the artist prep the canvas.

Orion's dragon had growled quietly upon seeing the blond knight. The image of Skylar in his arms, his mouth on Skylar's, was burned into his mind. The only comfort was that Skylar had not welcomed his affections, but that was only a small comfort.

"Jonathan," Skylar greeted in a flat tone. The knight startled and spun to face them. He glanced nervously at Orion, and smiled hesitantly at Skylar.

"Princess," he bowed at the waist. "I'm glad you made a safe journey back."

"Thank you, Jonathan. Can we help you with something?" Orion's dragon had almost purred at her cold tone. He appreciated that she wasn't being friendly with the knight.

Jonathan's friendly grin lost some of its luster, and he averted his hazel eyes for a moment. "I heard you had arrived and wanted to greet you. I also wanted to give you a warning, because I have a feeling the king and queen didn't."

"They refused to, actually," Skylar stated. "What is it?"

"The kingdom is at a bit of unrest. Many people aren't very happy with the knowledge of what you are."

Orion drew the knight's attention to him. "Say it."


"Say the word dragon. That's what we are, and by neglecting to say it outloud, you're a part of the problem."

The look Jonathan gave him was ice cold and full of contempt, but he conceded, though he didn't break away from Orion's glare. "Many people hate the knowledge that you're a dragon."

Skylar sighed. "We guessed that that would be the case. Are we in danger?"

Jonathan shook his head, turning back to her. "I don't think so. They love the king and queen as much as they hate dragons. It's unsettling to them that you're not their biological child, but they wouldn't dare endanger themselves. It's just something no one thought would ever happen. But no, I don't believe that you're in any danger."

Skylar nodded, some tension leaving her shoulders. Orion knew she trusted the knight, and because of that Orion trusted him as well. That didn't mean that he disliked him any less.

"That should do it for today, Your Highness," the artist announced, drawing Orion back to the present. "My lord, you're beginning to look angry, and that doesn't make for a good portrait."

Orion almost snorted, but refrained. The painter hadn't meant it as an insult. Besides, he was being released from standing there, so what did it matter how it happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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