Chapter Seventeen: Birthday Bash

Start from the beginning

"I suppose this would serve as a welcome back party too. It is good to have you back, Kade." Twitch said.

"I...well I...I can't say I've ever had something like this before. Thank you, everyone." Kade said, sounding almost lost and entirely unsure of himself.

"Bollocks man, lighten up! It's your birthday, have a drink! Eat some food, you're looking like a bloody ghost!" Thatcher roared, clearly having already drank more than a beer or two. Kade shed his coat and did just that, grabbing a beer from the fridge and starting to mingle with all those who had come. Ela took a seat down next to IQ and Rook, half listening to them talk about getting older, retirement and the like. Her eyes, however, were glued to Kade, watching him make his way around the room. He stopped at Capitao, the two giving each other merry pats on the back and starting to catch up with one another. Ela had observed that Kade got along with Capitao almost instantly, their shared wisdom and experience from age making it easy to start a conversation with an entertaining story or anecdote.

"Do you think the two of you will marry?" Rook asked, taking her eyes away from Kade, widened in surprise.

"I...we haven't talked about it. Yet." she admitted. IQ smiled,

"But do you want to is what I think our big friend here is asking." IQ said, her eyes glittering with delight. Ela was convinced the woman lived to see her squirm.

"I...I could not say right now. My heart leans towards yes, but I want to be cautious. This is my life partner we're talking about here." she said. Rook sipped his coffee.

"Nothing wrong with that. Did you hear about Tina and Maxim? She went right up to them when the plane landed and kissed him in front of everyone. I don't think I've ever seen the poor man's face so red." Rook said. Ela gasped. Everyone had been waiting for that to happen. Everyone also knew that fraternization amongst operators was generally frowned upon by most military organizations but Six kept a blind eye. That was, as long as the love affairs didn't interfere with the outcome of the mission.

"Oh! Did you guys hear about Alex and Lera? The sparks flew during the operation and wa-la! Out comes Russian power couple of the year." Ela said.

"I think you mean all year, all time!" Tachanka's booming voice called over from across the room, making everyone laugh. Kade's voice rose over the rest.

"Everyone! Everyone, please, can I have your attention?" he said, his arm around Mira.

"I propose a toast, to the promotion of Dr. Álvarez as the head of Research and Development!" he said, everyone else whooping and hollering in cheers of congratulation. Mira's grin was wide and unabashed.

"Does this mean I'm part of the geek squad now?" Mira asked once things had quieted down, making the room once again erupt into laugher. The food was of course, delicious. Zofia had helped Ela cook some food native to Poland, while Twitch, Capitao, Tina and Vigil had brought cuisines of their own. Ela's heart soared as she watched Kade, talking and laughing with people he could now safely refer to as comrades. He finally made his way to Ela, plopping down next to her. Their knees touched and she could feel his breath tickle her neck.

"Hey, beautiful." Kade greeted, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Ah my two favorite lovebirds. It is good to have you back, Kade." IQ said.

"You took one hell of a beating out in Colombia, thanks for looking after Gilles." Rook said.

"It's good to be back, I'll tell you that much. Gilles was, as always, a pillar of support. I have no delusions that without his assistance, I or any of the others would've made it out of that room." Kade said. Rook raised his coffee cup,

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