Chapter 2: Callahan Rosier

Start from the beginning

However, his eyes remained vigilant as chocolate brown irises scanned the surrounding woods thoroughly.

"Nothing too serious."

"There are grizzlies roaming around and not to mention packs of feral wolves and-"

"Nah that won't happen," he popped another gummy inside his mouth.

His idiocy was getting on my nerves. I was about to say something when a knock erupted from my left.

It was dad.

"Carson and Theo disappeared through the woods. Probably mauled to death by bears as we speak," I lowered my window to see both of my parents snickering over what I just said.

"They're alive," dad rolled his eyes. "Look, we need you to stay in the car with Alex. Everything's fine. Don't panic."

Once again, we were left alone as I watched them vanished into the woods.

For the next couple of minutes, Alex cracked up stupid jokes to lighten the atmosphere while I laughed like a disney villain. It was three in the morning. Everything was still engulfed in complete darkness- until a howl interrupted our little jokes.

"Do you hear that?" I paused before jolting towards the driver's seat to close the window.

"Whoa whoa calm down," Alex looked at me amused. "It's just wolves."

"That's not the point. They're close. Too close for my liking," I might be living a city life for several years, but watching wildlife documentaries was one of my odd hobbies.

Wolves are shy creatures. They usually avoid human contact, so why would they approach a roaring vehicle?

"Too bad, Bee. We're in their territory now."

Feeling eerily uncomfortable, my fingers clutched the gray wool blanket on my lap and pulled it higher until it covered my shoulders.

Up front, trees were gracefully swaying with the wind as if they were luring me. Inviting me to explore within. Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck bristled when a massive gray wolf emerged from the shadows. At first, it didn't show us any interest, seeing it continued to walk around sixteen yards from our car. The headlights illuminated its thick grayish fur and emphasized its abnormally large size.

"Do wolves get that big?" I tugged Alex's red flannel shirt in a panicked state.

And right after I did that, the creature directed its focus on us as it barred its canines.

"There's always an exception," he quickly removed my trembling fingers from his shirt.

"T-that thing is easily bigger than me. The fuck was that?!" I whisper-shouted and realized Alex was looking down on his lap with beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead.


"Are you okay?" My friend was acting out of character when the driver's door opened.

Startled, I looked up to check whether its still there, but it was gone.

"Look who's-" Carson's voice broke our silence with his cheery tone until he realized Alex's odd behavior. "Dude, you good?"

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