Chapter 1: Backstory

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Name: Saya Todoroki.

Age : 16 in backstory, 22 in the rest of the story.

Appearance: Average height. Athletic build but still slender. Long hair. White on top, red underneath

Eyes: grey normally, blue when quirk is activated.

Power: Half hot half cold. Can use both sides for each though she uses her dominant right side mostly when using flames. Her fire is stronger than her ice though she refuses to use it when fighting. Didn't develop quirk until 5 yrs old, 1 year after brother.


Home. Saya thought dejectedly as she looked out the window of the airplane, the wheels touching down on the runway and jolting the passengers slightly. Every year was the same - For the summer holidays the school closed their dorms so she either lived as a homeless kid or returned to the only place she had to call home. The League of Villains. It'd been a few years since she'd made the return trip. Feeling the pressure building in her nose she sneezed into the crook of her elbow, the person next to her shying away slightly. All winter I was healthy and now, when it's warm and I just want to relax in the sun I have to return to And be sick at the same time.  Ugh I can feel it getting worse. 

 Her eyes narrowed at this thought as she set to getting off the plane. As she'd left most of her belongings in her dorm room she walked past the baggage claim. Out the automatic doors and straight for the first car she went, repeating the route she was now so used to. The man outside had a sign that read 'Saya.' With a curt nod he entered into the driver's seat and she slid into the back, her backpack on her lap. The smell of new leather assaulted her nose as she breathed in deeply, sneezing again, a bit of ice coming out one nostril. The cab driver didn't say a thing and she was thankful it'd only been ice.

Arriving at the nondescript supposedly abandoned building she got out, shouldered her backpack and walked through the door. Inside the building was dingy and ill lit, two figures inside.  The one behind the bar was made seemingly entirely of dark smoke and was cleaning a glass.  The other was sitting at the bar, his blue hair covering his eyes as he looked down at his drink. Both turned to look at her as she entered.

"Saya." The man behind the bar greeted her warmly.

"Kurogiri." She smiled. "Could I get a whiskey please?" "ACHOO!" A small stream of ice came out of her left nostril, flames from her right this time. Yup, definitely getting worse.  Wiping her nose on her sleeve she sat next to the blue haired man at the bar who was now looking at her irritably.  She thought he looked more tired than usual.

"Dammit Saya." He sighed. "How are you supposed to be useful at all if you're sick? Your quirk is unstable and unreliable."

Kurogiri slid a drink to her and she took a large sip, grimacing at the taste and feeling as it burned down her throat.

"Is there some reason you need my quirk Tomura? You go and get yourself in trouble again?"

"Stupid girl." His condescending tone was annoying. "The whole reason you're back is to be of use."

"Bullshit. I'm here because my funds are almost out and our boss wanted to check my progress." She smirked and he glared at her.

"Your assessment will have to wait for the time being."

"'Cause I'm sick?"

"Because we're busy." A loud beeping sounded from behind the bar causing Tomura to sigh again. "That's the signal. Five minutes and they'll be here."

"Wait.. what's going on?"

"We're capturing a promising new villain."

"Why do you have to capture a villain?"

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