Ch.1// I Can Walk!

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We were sitting in the doctors office, watching Jake sitting up on the examination table.
My leg was bouncing with anticipation as I listened to the loud buzz of the saw, and I gripped the arm of the couch nervously.

A hand came down on top of mine and I didn't even check who it was, I just gripped their hand, watching my brother squeeze his eyes shut.

Then suddenly, all the noises stopped. The doctor smiled, and so did I.
They popped off the casts and Jake stretched and bent his legs.
I squealed and jumped up, running to hug him.
"Jake!! They're finally off!!" I yelled.

He put a hand over my mouth and smiled.
"Stop screaming." He said plainly.
I blushed slightly and wrung my hands.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
He took his hand away and wrapped his arms around me.
I hugged him tightly, and stepped away, waiting for him to stand.

He looked nervous.
"It's alright, if you don't want to-"
"No I do. I really want to."
He stared at the floor and gulped.
One foot came down and a hand came onto my shoulder.
I turned around and Rich was pulling me back, giving Jake some more space.

We watched as he stood on one leg, wobbling slightly, and then the other.
He stood with his arms out, like he was ready to fall at any moment...
but he didn't.
He was okay.

"I can walk!" He exclaimed cheerfully.
"I can walk!" He said again, stepping back and forth, bending his knees with fascination.
It was like watching a toddler learn to walk.
It made me so happy.
I spun around and grabbed Rich by the shoulders.
"HE CAN WALK!" I yelled.

Rich went red and smiled.
"Wow you two are alike." He said.
I nodded and and ran to hug Jake.
He held me up so my feet were dangling, and kissed me on the forehead.
"I'm okay N/N. Promise." He smiled.

I was so happy, tears pricked my eyes, but I forced those away quickly.
My all-star football playing brother was back!
I hope he was gonna pull through, just as good as before.

*time skip*

Rich's POV
We sat in Pinkberry, eating frozen yogurt.
I watched Jake, so happy to see my best friend back.
I felt so bad about everything, the Squips and... you know.
Burning his house down.
That one was going to take a while to get used to.

It was a little weird though, because I had felt so bad about the whole thing I let them stay with me. They didn't exactly have any parents to help them out.

But that meant not just Jake was living with me... Y/N was too.
Since I barely had parents either, it was basically 3 kids living alone in a house, which was... weird.
Especially because I think I have a pretty big thing for Y/N, but I would never date my best friend's little sister.
That'd be weird.
I suppose.

Jake's very protective of Y/N, and with good reason.
She's so smart and witty. I love listening to her talk, not just because of her angelic voice, but because of her sarcasm. Also she is gorgeous. Like, if I could stare at her all day, I would. Not to say I don't do that a lot anyway (one of my guilty pleasures).

But I could never do that to Jake.
And it's not like she likes me anyway.
"RICH!!" Y/N yelled, snapping in my face.
Whoops, I was staring again.
I smiled nervously, turning red.
"Th-thorry just... dithracted."
Damn lisp.


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